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Redactioneel |
In dit nummer |
Trefwoorden | editorial |
Auteurs | Ewald Engelen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Schildpadgedrag in multi-etnische wijken?De effecten van etnische diversiteit in stad en buurt op dimensies van sociale cohesie |
Trefwoorden | ethnic diversity, social cohesion, neighbourhoods, ethnic minorities |
Auteurs | Mérove Gijsberts, Tom van der Meer en Jaco Dagevos |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Putnam (2007) claims that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods, residents of all ethnic groups tend to ‘hunker down’. Solidarity and trust are lower, mutual help and cooperation rarer, friends fewer. Various studies in the United States found a clear correlation between diversity and cohesion, and also for many different dimensions of social cohesion. Whether this finding also holds in other (European) settings is the subject of hot and unresolved debate. Specifically, this article addresses the question whether living in an ethnically diverse setting has negative consequences for social cohesion in the Netherlands as well. To further the debate, this article pulls apart various contexts and various dimensions of social cohesion. This article examines the relationship between ethnic diversity (in socio-graphically defined neighbourhoods) and four dimensions of social cohesion (trust, informal help, voluntary work and neighbourhood contacts) for the 50 largest cities in the Netherlands. We conclude that the Putnam hypothesis holds only to a limited extent in the Dutch context. The only aspect on which ethnic diversity has a negative effect is the degree of contact in the neighbourhood. |
Artikel |
Privaat beheerde woondomeinen: beloftevol of beangstigend fenomeen? |
Trefwoorden | housing enclave, gated community, Netherlands, local government |
Auteurs | Jasper Eshuis, Erik-Hans Klijn en Mark van Twist |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In recent years the Netherlands have seen an upsurge of housing enclaves. The enclaves are often built as courtyards, castles, estates or apartment complexes. The growing number of people living in housing enclaves indicates a demand for this kind of living areas. However, the motivations behind the increasing popularity of housing enclaves are unclear. Is this a reflection of a long standing tradition of people staying in their own social group, seeking for belonging and sociability? Or does it fit in a global trend of searching for security in gated communities? This paper presents empirical research in the Netherlands that addresses peoples’ motives for living in housing enclaves, as well as the role of the local government in relation to housing enclaves. The research shows that residents of housing enclaves seek a pleasant living environment in the first place, while security is a less important motive. The study gives reason for planners and developers outside the US not to assume that fear of crime and a wish for security are the main reasons for moving to housing enclaves. Further, the study shows that housing enclaves are not completely privatized areas. Local government still has an important role to play. |
Artikel |
Sluipend kwaliteitsverlies in de geestelijke gezondheidszorgProfessionals over de gevolgen van marktwerking |
Trefwoorden | mental health care, marketization, Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG’s), policy implementation, professionalism |
Auteurs | Nienke van Sambeek, Evelien Tonkens en Christian Bröer |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In order to facilitate the creation of a regulated market, Diagnostic Treatment Combinations (DBC’s in Dutch) have been introduced in Dutch mental health care in 2008. DBC’s are developed to distinguish and price the ‘products’ of health care, in order to make comparison and competition between health care providers possible. In this qualitative study we analyzed mental health care professionals experiences with the DBC-system. We focused on two questions: (1) what does the DBC-system and the related introduction of marketization of mental health care mean for professionals? and (2) how do professionals cope with the DBC-system in their daily practices? We found that the logics of the market and bureaucracy, both incorporated in the DBC-system, often conflicted with the values and ethics of mental health care professionals. Mental health professionals experience deterioration of professionalism and quality of care. They were coping with conflicting values by non-compliance with rules and pragmatic use of the DBC-system. It is argued that the efforts of professionals to protect the quality of their work might actually lead to invisibility of the problems they encounter, which reinforces the policy they criticize. |
Discussie |
Bestuurlijke herindeling en identiteit |
Trefwoorden | discussion, administrative rearrangement processes |
Auteurs | Kutsal Yesilkagit |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Introduction to the debate on administrative rearrangement processes. |
Discussie |
Regionale identiteit: de vergeten dimensie bij bestuurlijke herindeling |
Trefwoorden | discussion, administrative rearrangement processes |
Auteurs | Evert Meijers |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Regional or local identities are an important factor to take into account in administrative rearrangement processes. |
Discussie |
Vergeet niet hoe activistisch bestuur met identiteit omgaat bij bestuurlijke herindeling |
Trefwoorden | discussion, administrative rearrangement processes |
Auteurs | Imrat Verhoeven |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Regional or local identities are an important factor to take into account in administrative rearrangement processes, as Evert Meijers rightly argues. But if one does so, it’s very important to analyse how public authorities deal with such identities and identifications. In The Netherlands many instances can be found were at least one public authority becomes activistic and tries to mobilize the public against rearrangement plans. This very often happens throughout processes of municipal amalgamation. Activistic public authorities can bring historically formed and often still cultivated local identities into play as being threatened by the plans. By doing so, citizens can identify with the ‘we’ of the local community against ‘them’ of another community. Another antithesis can develop in how the plans are being framed: ‘we’ who will suffer because of ‘their’ bad plans. Finally, the political performance of proponents may be critiqued, thus evoking identifications with ‘we’ who are treated undemocratically against ‘them’ who are unreliable. This appeal to identities and identifications by activistic public authorities provides powerful impediments for successful administrative rearrangement. Prevention of such activism thus seems to be a very important requirement. |
Casus |
Diplomademocratie |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education |
Auteurs | Ewald Engelen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy: Concerning the Tension Between Meritocracy and Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. In this section five authors reply to this position from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. This section is the result of a debate that took place 17 January 2011 organised by B en M and USBO – University Utrecht. |
Casus |
De afkeer van volk en elite |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education, social and political philosophy |
Auteurs | Gijs van Oenen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. Van Oenen replies to this position from a perspective of social and political philosophy. |
Casus |
Een democratie kan niet zonder onderwijs |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education, educational theory |
Auteurs | Sjoerd Karsten |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. Karsten replies to this position from a perspective of educational theory. |
Casus |
De complexe relatie tussen diplomademocratie en populisme |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education, political science |
Auteurs | Sarah L. de Lange |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. De Lange replies to this position from a perspective of political science. |
Casus |
Geen bewijs voor toename ‘opleidingskloof’ |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education, political science |
Auteurs | Armen Hakhverdian, Wouter van der Brug en Catherine de Vries |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. Hakverdian et al. reply to this position from a perspective of political science. |
Casus |
De noodzaak van een democratisch debat over verdienste in een meritocratie |
Trefwoorden | case, Diploma Democracy, levels of education, active citizenship |
Auteurs | Evelien Tonkens |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. Tonkens replies to this position from a perspective of active citizenship. |
Casus |
Repliek |
Trefwoorden | Diploma Democracy, levels of education, reply |
Auteurs | Mark Bovens en Anchrit Wille |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In their book Diploma Democracy Mark Bovens and Anchrit Wille state that positions in the field of politics are dominantly held by people with higher levels of education. Because of diverging political preferences between citizens with a higher level of education and those with a lower one this results in a lack of representation of the latter, they argue. In this section five authors critically replied to this position from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. In this contribution Bovens en Wille answer their critics. |
Boekbespreking |
Riemens schaduwtheorie |
Trefwoorden | review, Rob Riemen, fascism |
Auteurs | Albert Jan Kruiter |
Auteursinformatie |
Column |
De go-to-guys-functie van Nederland |
Trefwoorden | column, go-to-guys |
Auteurs | Ko Colijn |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In a column a journal editor or an author expresses his or her opinion on a particular subject. |