In the Netherlands good citizenship has become a topic of increased importance on the government agenda since the murder of Pim Fortuyn. The author assesses the effectiveness of the Dutch citizenship policies within the context of the broader policy framework of the so-called participatory society (participatiesamenleving) or do-democracy (doe-democratie). The evaluative analysis consists of two parts. In the first part the changing ideas concerning good citizenship are identified as well as the normative assumptions that are at the basis of Dutch citizenship policies. In the second part, the potential of current policies, and in particular the ideas that gave rise to creating a new social contract between government and society are assessed. To this end some key aspects of the new contract thinking of the Dutch government are contrasted with the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The findings show that the current strive for tangible agreements on citizen behavior and civic duties is at odds with the main principles of classic contract theory. This leads to the conclusion that the new contractualism that is at the basis of the Dutch citizen policies should rather be seen as a threat to a stable society than as a building block for good citizenship. |
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Van de redactie |
Editorial |
Auteurs | Dr. Tamara Metze |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Over Rousseau, goede burgers en de participatiesamenlevingEen normatieve analyse van het nieuwe contractdenken van de Nederlandse overheid door de ogen van een klassieke contractdenker |
Trefwoorden | Beleidsevaluatie, Burgerschap, Participatiesamenleving, Rousseau, Sociaal contract |
Auteurs | Dr. Yvonne Kleistra |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Over zelfredzame burgers gesprokenHoe ambtenaren een buigzaam burgerschapsideaal vormgeven |
Trefwoorden | Interactional framing, Self reliance, Silent ideologies, Micro frames, Self referentiality |
Auteurs | Drs. Harrie van Rooij, Dr. Margit van Wessel en Prof. dr. Noelle Aarts |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The concept of self-reliant citizens reflects an ideology of citizenship that is multiple and flexible. It could be regarded as a ‘plastic’ word, malleable and adjustable according to convictions, needs and purposes. This study shows the importance of considering the way in which ideological views on citizenship are transferred, adjusted and enacted in an organizational context. On the basis of a case study at the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (DTCA), we contribute to knowledge on the way processes of framing interrelate on micro, meso and macro levels. We found that frames on self-reliance are enacted in a way that tensions and dilemmas are neutralized or reduced. In a dynamic context of conflicting goals and limited resources, DTCA-employees create meanings of self-reliance which legitimate practices and policies. By doing this they reproduce both organizational and social perspectives. Accounts of citizenship play an important role in this process. Self-reliant citizens are presented as active and responsible. The need of help is imagined as a normal and yet an atypical situation. This study promotes attention to the possibility that organizational systems reproduce perspectives in a way that alternative views remain unnoticed, whereas organizational choices are silently accepted as natural facts. |
Reflectie & debat |
Antropoceen: maakt het uit wat de oorzaak is van klimaatverandering, voor het tegengaan ervan? |
Auteurs | Dr. Tamara Metze |
Auteursinformatie |
Reflectie & debat |
Is het Antropoceen bestuurbaar?Pragmatische aantekeningen bij een nieuw tijdperk |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Hans Boutellier |
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Reflectie & debat |
Nieuwe instituties voor het Antropoceen |
Auteurs | Albert Faber en Anne van Leeuwen |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The Anthropocene offers a narrative to rethink the full range of present-day institutions. The urgency, complexity and scope of the ecological challenges that are upon us provide important challenges. Traditional institutions may be up to the task or be able to adapt to the new challenges, but likely new institutional perspectives will be required. The idea of ‘ecological reflexivity’ is helpful to critically explore some new and important institutional features for the Antropocene: recognition of the non-human world and its voices, reflection upon what works and upon what can be imagined, and response in terms of new practices and functions. We explore these features and offer some examples of new institutions. |
Dossier |
De transformatie van de ziekenhuiszorg |
Auteurs | Albert Jan Kruiter |
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Dossier |
Transformatie van de zorg als city planning |
Auteurs | Dr. Duco Bannink en Dr. Eric van der Hijden |
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Dossier |
Regievoerder gezocht voor het Nederlandse ziekenhuislandschap |
Auteurs | Dr. Wink de Boer |
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Boekensignalement |
The Class Ceiling: sociale reproductie in eliteberoepen |
Auteurs | Dr. Thijs Bol |
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Boekensignalement |
Waarom elke formatie slaagt |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Sarah de Lange |
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De blinde vlek |
De Britse revolutie |
Auteurs | Dr. Mark van Ostaijen |
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