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Beleid en Maatschappij

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Aflevering 1, 2019 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen
Van de redactie


Auteurs Dr. Tamara Metze

    This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.

Dr. Tamara Metze
Dr. Tamara Metze is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Migratie en werk: over achterstand én verbetering

Trefwoorden Migration, Employment, Mobility, Immigrants, Editorial
Auteurs Dr. Fabian Dekker en Prof. dr. Leo Lucassen

    This editorial offers an introduction to the special issue on migration and employment.

Dr. Fabian Dekker
Dr. Fabian Dekker is redacteur van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Prof. dr. Leo Lucassen
Prof. dr. Leo Lucassen is directeur onderzoek van het Internationaal Instituut van Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG) en hoogleraar globale arbeids- en migratiegeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden.

‘Work first’, vrouwen later?

Arbeidstoeleiding van vrouwelijke statushouders

Trefwoorden Labour market participation, Female refugees, Emancipation, Employment support, Work first
Auteurs Drs. Marjan de Gruijter en Inge Razenberg MSc

    The labour market participation of recent female refugees in the Netherlands is very low. This is caused not only by the fact that a large proportion of the female refugee population has a greater distance to the labour market (than male refugees), but also because municipalities – for various reasons – offer more support to male refugees seeking to enter the Dutch labour market. This article is based on an explorative study we carried out into the labour market opportunities of recent female refugees and job guidance policies of Dutch municipalities. First, we explore how background characteristics of the group of female refugees and the municipal focus on supporting male refugees to quickly join the workforce, influence each other negatively and greatly limit the chances of female refugees at finding paid work. We then discuss the consequences for the participation and integration of these newcomers and their families, both for the short and long term. Finally, we discuss how female refugees can be supported more effectively towards labour market participation.

Drs. Marjan de Gruijter
Drs. Marjan de Gruijter is themacoördinator ‘Nieuwe Migratie’ van Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving (KIS) en senior onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Inge Razenberg MSc
Inge Razenberg MSc is onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Stap voor stap

Statushouders over initiatieven voor arbeidstoeleiding in enkele Nederlandse gemeenten

Trefwoorden Refugees, Refugees with residence permit, Trajectories to work, Job guidance, Labour market participation
Auteurs Dr. Monique Stavenuiter en Dr. Merel Kahmann

    The groups studied for this article came to the Netherlands as asylum-seekers, mostly from Syria and Eritrea. After receiving a residence permit it has been difficult for them to find paid work. In recent years many municipalities in the Netherlands developed initiatives to support refugees seeking work. In this article we describe two of such interventions: Vluchtelingen Investeren in Participeren (Refugees Invest in Participation), a nationwide initiative of VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, and NVA Werktrajecten (Trajectories to Work), carried out by a local organisation for integration and participation of refugees. We studied VIP in nine municipalities in the eastern part of the Netherlands and NVA Werktrajecten in the Dutch municipality of Amersfoort. We have focused on the perspective of the participants taking part in the initiatives. The research questions addressed are: How did the participants experience the interventions and how did the interventions meet up to their needs in their search to paid work? We describe the experiences of the participants during several steps in the trajectories, such as obtaining practical skills, practising oral and written presentations, meeting employers during the training and in the workplace, and gaining work experience. The article is based on sixty in depth interviews with refugees.

Dr. Monique Stavenuiter
Dr. Monique Stavenuiter is hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep maatschappelijke participatie en senior onderzoeker aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Dr. Merel Kahmann
Dr. Merel Kahmann is zelfstandig onderzoeker, Vogelperspectief Onderzoek & Praktijk.

Leren en werken voor vluchtelingen: beleid en interventies in drie grote gemeenten.

Trefwoorden Refugees, Asylum seekers, Labour market integration, Participation, Local integration policies
Auteurs Dr. Jeanine Klaver, Prof. dr. Jaco Dagevos, Dr. Rianne Dekker e.a.

    Municipalities have increasingly adjusted their policies in order to better respond to the problematic social and economic participation of permit holders. The core elements within the chosen policies seem to consist of an early activation, combining language and professional training, and providing customization in the support of these newcomers. In this article, this policy change has been studied in the municipalities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. It becomes clear that a more successful approach only succeeds when permit holders are offered additional and tailored support. For all three municipalities, this means that more permit holders are reached by the available support measures and that local policy makers can better respond to individual needs and possibilities. In addition, these municipalities pay more attention for sustainable labour market participation. At the same time, it is evident that no rapid successes are being made with this new course. In particular, more vulnerable permit holders, including those with low levels of education and women, are not always reached by municipalities. We also see that many of these newcomers must be supported for a long time, even if after have found a place on the labour market. Therefore, evidence suggests that without additional measures there is a good chance that the perspective on social and economic participation for many permit holders in the Netherlands will be extremely limited.

Dr. Jeanine Klaver
Dr. Jeanine Klaver werkt bij Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek.

Prof. dr. Jaco Dagevos
Prof. dr. Jaco Dagevos werkt bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

Dr. Rianne Dekker
Dr. Rianne Dekker werkt bij de Universiteit Utrecht.

Dr. Karin Geuijen
Dr. Karin Geuijen werkt bij de Universiteit Utrecht.

Dr. Arend Odé
Dr. Arend Odé werkt bij Regioplan Beleidsonderzoek.

Het asielzoekerscentrum als buurthuis? Over vrijwilligerswerk in asielzoekerscentra in Amsterdam en Brussel

Trefwoorden Asylum centres, Community centres, Refugees, Civic engagement, Interpretive policy analyses
Auteurs Rosaly Studulski en Nanke Verloo

    Citizens are being activated to organize activities in asylum centres in both the Netherlands and Belgium. That way, asylum centres are expected to become better integrated in the local context of a municipality or neighbourhood. This ideal of citizenship does not stand on its own. The policy object to integrate asylum centres in the local context has parallels with broader societal and academic discussions about citizen participation and active citizenship. The object, however, is now the asylum seeker. In this article we research how voluntary work in two asylum centres takes shape and how policy could support voluntary activities better. A comparative interpretive policy analysis of two asylum centres in Amsterdam and Brussel shows how voluntary work is stimulated by policy, how these policies are implemented locally, and how they are experienced in daily practices of volunteers and professionals. The cases reveal stark differences, but exactly those contrasts lead to important lessons. We show that because of this policy, the asylum centre is often functioning as a community centre, that integration can be strengthened by volunteers, but we are also critical when voluntary activities are driven by an ideal picture of the ‘good asylum seeker’. There is a risk that the societal responsibility for integrating and engaging asylum seekers in the local context is pushed on the shoulders of unpaid volunteers and that activities are exclusively for one group. That is why we conclude that professional support and financial resources are crucial to implement the policy ideal of active citizenship in asylum centers.

Rosaly Studulski
Rosaly Studulski, MSc. is onlangs afgestudeerd in de Research Master Urban Studies aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en sindsdien werkzaam bij het Projectmanagementbureau van de Gemeente Amsterdam.

Nanke Verloo
Dr. Nanke Verloo is werkzaam als Universitair Docent in Stedelijke Planologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en redacteur bij Beleid en Maatschappij.

De politieke economie van macro-economische onbalansen in de eurozone

Trefwoorden Macroeconomic imbalances Eurozone, Euro crisis, Excessive imbalance procedure, Reform EMU
Auteurs Dr. Peter Rodenburg

    The introduction of the euro led to large macroeconomic imbalances between Euro countries. Under pressure from the euro crisis, the European Commission adopted EU regulations 1174/2011 and 1176/2011 in 2011 with the aim of reducing these macroeconomic imbalances. These measures include the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure to identify macroeconomic imbalances and, if necessary, to prompt Member States to take corrective action. This article provides an overview of this recent EU policy for countering imbalances and provides a political-economic analysis of the macroeconomic imbalances in Europe and its consequences. In particular, it focuses on the conflicting interests of the euro-area countries with current account surpluses and deficits. This article also analyses the possibilities offered by the 2019 European election for European policy makers to strengthen this policy. The article concludes that the surplus countries, despite the apparent advantage of trade balance surpluses, do have an interest in reducing imbalances in the EU but fail to translate this into actual policy. The Commission’s role in reducing imbalances is likely to remain limited, even after the 2019 European elections.

Dr. Peter Rodenburg
Peter Rodenburg is Universitair docent bij de afdeling Europese studies van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

De aanpak van belastingontwijking door de EU: gerichte maatregelen zonder structurele verandering.

Trefwoorden Tax, EU/European Union, Corporate taxation, Tax avoidance, Tax policy
Auteurs Indra Römgens

    According to the outgoing European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, the European Union (EU) has made more progress in tackling tax avoidance and evasion in the last five years than in the twenty years before that. This article argues that although several targeted measures have indeed been adopted, such as automatic exchange of tax rulings and limitations on interest deductions, this has not led to a structural change in EU corporate tax policies, nor in underlying power relations. The article discusses the politics of a number of recent policy developments related to tax avoidance and evasion by transnational corporations. It argues that the adoption of targeted measures, and the simultaneous stalling of more comprehensive approaches – in terms of tax transparency or a common consolidated corporate tax base – can be explained by recent tax controversies, international politics, and the dynamics within and between EU institutions. Particular attention is paid to the role of the European Parliament that is formally limited, but still houses progressive forces that have continuously pushed for a clampdown on tax avoidance. Finally, the article pleads for more transparent EU decision-making, specifically concerning discussions with and within the Council, in order to improve the democratic legitimacy of EU corporate tax policies and processes.

Indra Römgens
MSc Indra Römgens is Promovendus aan de Roskilde Universiteit in Denemarken en de Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen.

De Europese vakbeweging en de vormgeving van sociaal beleid

Trefwoorden Social Europe, European Union, Social policy, Trade unions, ETUC
Auteurs Drs. Saskia Boumans

    The European project currently faces not only an economic crisis, but a moral one as well. The economic growth model of social justice combined with market-oriented policies, also referred to as the European social model has lost much of its meaning after ten years of austerity and financial calamities. In 2012 ECB President Draghi says in the Wall Street Journal that the European social model is “gone”, a thing of the past. While only a couple of years later the European Pillar of Social Rights is put in place. What is happening with ‘Social Europe’? And how do trade unions, as a historical motor of social policy in the member states, relate to the European social model, especially since the financial crisis. This article deals with the position of trade unions vis-à-vis European social policy and the European institutions. The European social model, economic governance and the collective bargaining system are discussed as examples of post-crisis European social policy. It will be argued that although the European Commission gives institutional space to social policy and to a role for trade unions, it has always been subordinate to economic integration. And moreover that the recent economic crisis is used at the European level to obtain almost complete control over social policy in the member states.

Drs. Saskia Boumans
Drs. Saskia Boumans werkt als promovendus bij AIAS-HSI (UvA) aan een onderzoek naar werkgeversorganisaties in collectieve onderhandelingen, en heeft de afgelopen vijftien jaar voor de vakbeweging gewerkt.

De schuldencrisis in de eurozone: oorzaken, aanpak en implicaties

Trefwoorden Eurozone crisis, Financialization, Bail-outs, Austerity, Banking union, Quantitative easing
Auteurs Dr. Henk Overbeek

    Ten years ago, now, the Eurozone began to shake on its foundations. This article traces the genesis of the crisis and the present state of affairs. As to the causes of the global financial crisis in 2008, I argue that contrary to common understanding, the financial crisis had its deeper causes in a decades old tendency towards crisis in the real economy, produced by the continuous overaccumulation of capital which can only return profits by undertaking speculative short-term investments (a phenomenon known as ‘financialisation’). I then trace how the global financial crisis morphed into a crisis of public deficits and debt in 2010-2011, particularly in the Eurozone. Three factors are shown to be responsible: financialization, design faults in the European monetary union, and the neo-mercantilist strategy of especially Germany and the Netherlands. The paper next looks at the five main traits of the policy responses in the Eurozone: bailing out governments and banks through creating emergency funds; imposition of austerity and budget discipline for member state governments; attempting to create and complete a Eurozone banking union; subsequently the European Central Bank engaged on an unprecedented scale in ‘quantitative easing’; and finally, institutional reform in an attempt to repair the most pressing design faults of the EMU. The paper concludes that the underlying structural factors leading up to the crisis have only been addressed incompletely: the overaccumulation of capital continues, the completion of the banking union is in an impasse, quantitative easing has mostly just intensified financialization by pushing up asset prizes, and institutional reform has taken the form of a fundamentally undemocratic attempt at monetary and political union by stealth. The broader legitimacy of the European project has been substantially undermined, and Europe is not in a better position than eight years ago in case of a new global crisis.

Dr. Henk Overbeek
Henk Overbeek is Emeritus Hoogleraar Internationale betrekkingen aan de afdeling Bestuurswetenschap en Politicologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Access_open Uitdijende financiële macht: de monetaire orde van de ECB

Auteurs Rodrigo Fernandez, Reijer Hendrikse en David Hollanders

Rodrigo Fernandez
Dr. Rodrigo Fernandez is postdoc aan de KU Leuven en senior onderzoeker bij SOMO.

Reijer Hendrikse
Dr. Reijer Hendrikse is Postdoctoraal onderzoeker aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

David Hollanders
Dr. David Hollanders is redactiesecretaris van Beleid en Maatschappij.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Seniors, vermijd wreed optimisme en gebruik je positie

Trefwoorden Publish or perish, Cruel optimism, Discourse analysis, Academic hierarchy, Junior scholars
Auteurs Yvonne La Grouw PhD

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Yvonne La Grouw PhD
Yvonne La Grouw is PhD-student sociologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Van wreed naar werkbaar optimisme: bestuurskunde in transitie

Trefwoorden Public administration, (Young) scholars, Performance pressures, Managers, executives, Agency
Auteurs Prof. dr. Mirko Noordegraaf

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Prof. dr. Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. Mirko Noordegraaf is hoogleraar publiek management, departement Bestuurs- & Organisatiewetenschap (USBO), vicedecaan maatschappelijke impact, faculteit Recht, Economie en Bestuur & Organisatie (REBO), Universiteit Utrecht, en voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB).
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Publicatiedruk bestaat niet (en als het er was, zou ’t goed zijn)

Trefwoorden Publish or perish, Publication pressure, Competition, Scientific creativity, Publication pipeline
Auteurs Peter van den Besselaar

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Peter van den Besselaar
Prof. dr. Peter van den Besselaar is hoogleraar organisatiewetenschappen, faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open De vrijheid om te kiezen of thuis te blijven

Trefwoorden Voter turnout, Provincial elections, Water boards, Democracy, Voter mobilization
Auteurs Dr. Claartje Brons en Dr. Tamara Metze

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dr. Claartje Brons
Dr. Claartje Brons is lid van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij, zij schrijft dit artikel op persoonlijke titel.

Dr. Tamara Metze
Dr. Tamara Metze is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open De zin en onzin van opkomst(bevordering)

Trefwoorden Voter turnout, Turnout, Elections, Politics, Local (getting out the vote)
Auteurs Dr. Julien van Ostaaijen, Daan Jacobs MSc en Sabine van Zuydam

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dr. Julien van Ostaaijen
Dr. Julien van Ostaaijen is universitair docent bestuurskunde aan Tilburg University en wetenschappelijk adviseur bij ProDemos: huis voor democratie en rechtsstaat.

Daan Jacobs MSc
Daan Jacobs MSc is onderzoeker en docent bestuurskunde aan Tilburg University.

Sabine van Zuydam
Sabine van Zuydam is universitair docent bestuurskunde aan Tilburg University en onderzoeker bij Necker van Naem.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Opkomst bij verkiezingen: onbekend maakt onbemind

Trefwoorden Elections and election turnout, Compulsory voting, Citizenship, Democracy, Voter education
Auteurs Eddy Habben Jansen

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Eddy Habben Jansen
Eddy Habben Jansen is directeur van ProDemos – Huis voor democratie en rechtsstaat.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Op naar de doe-mee-cratie!

Trefwoorden Democracy, Youth, Voting, Public participation, Civil society
Auteurs Gerben Huisman en Drs. Arno Brok

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Gerben Huisman
Gerben Huisman is griffier van de Staten van Fryslân.

Drs. Arno Brok
Drs. Arno Brok is commissaris van de koning in de provincie Fryslân.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open DENK. Factoren voor het succes, de kenmerken van de achterban en het bereiken van nieuwe stemmers

Trefwoorden Multicultural parties, Local elections, The Netherlands, Immigrants, Turnout rates
Auteurs Dr. Floris Vermeulen en Drs Maria Kranendonk MSc

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dr. Floris Vermeulen
Dr. Floris Vermeulen is werkzaam op de afdeling Politicologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Drs Maria Kranendonk MSc
Drs. Maria Kranendonk, MSc is werkzaam op de afdeling Politicologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Dr. Duco Bannink
Dr. Duco Bannink is universitair hoofddocent bij de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
De blinde vlek

Sociale menging? Vergeet de elitewijken niet!

Trefwoorden Urban policy, Social mixing, Spatial segregation, Housing, Gentrification
Auteurs Dr. Cody Hochstenbach

    The most relevant part of a discussion is not what is discussed but what cannot be spoken of. The real taboos are those for which it is taboo to call them taboos. The status quo defines itself as non-ideological while denouncing any challenge to itself as radical. Therefore the column ‘De Blinde Vlek’ frames the framers, politicizes the status quo and articulates what is not heard of.

Dr. Cody Hochstenbach
Dr. Cody Hochstenbach is postdoctoraal onderzoeker stadsgeografie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en lid van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.