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Stap voor stap

Statushouders over initiatieven voor arbeidstoeleiding in enkele Nederlandse gemeenten

Trefwoorden Refugees, Refugees with residence permit, Trajectories to work, Job guidance, Labour market participation
Auteurs Dr. Monique Stavenuiter en Dr. Merel Kahmann

Dr. Monique Stavenuiter
Dr. Monique Stavenuiter is hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep maatschappelijke participatie en senior onderzoeker aan het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Dr. Merel Kahmann
Dr. Merel Kahmann is zelfstandig onderzoeker, Vogelperspectief Onderzoek & Praktijk.
  • Samenvatting

      The groups studied for this article came to the Netherlands as asylum-seekers, mostly from Syria and Eritrea. After receiving a residence permit it has been difficult for them to find paid work. In recent years many municipalities in the Netherlands developed initiatives to support refugees seeking work. In this article we describe two of such interventions: Vluchtelingen Investeren in Participeren (Refugees Invest in Participation), a nationwide initiative of VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, and NVA Werktrajecten (Trajectories to Work), carried out by a local organisation for integration and participation of refugees. We studied VIP in nine municipalities in the eastern part of the Netherlands and NVA Werktrajecten in the Dutch municipality of Amersfoort. We have focused on the perspective of the participants taking part in the initiatives. The research questions addressed are: How did the participants experience the interventions and how did the interventions meet up to their needs in their search to paid work? We describe the experiences of the participants during several steps in the trajectories, such as obtaining practical skills, practising oral and written presentations, meeting employers during the training and in the workplace, and gaining work experience. The article is based on sixty in depth interviews with refugees.

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