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‘Work first’, vrouwen later?

Arbeidstoeleiding van vrouwelijke statushouders

Trefwoorden Labour market participation, Female refugees, Emancipation, Employment support, Work first
Auteurs Drs. Marjan de Gruijter en Inge Razenberg MSc

Drs. Marjan de Gruijter
Drs. Marjan de Gruijter is themacoördinator ‘Nieuwe Migratie’ van Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving (KIS) en senior onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Inge Razenberg MSc
Inge Razenberg MSc is onderzoeker bij het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.
  • Samenvatting

      The labour market participation of recent female refugees in the Netherlands is very low. This is caused not only by the fact that a large proportion of the female refugee population has a greater distance to the labour market (than male refugees), but also because municipalities – for various reasons – offer more support to male refugees seeking to enter the Dutch labour market. This article is based on an explorative study we carried out into the labour market opportunities of recent female refugees and job guidance policies of Dutch municipalities. First, we explore how background characteristics of the group of female refugees and the municipal focus on supporting male refugees to quickly join the workforce, influence each other negatively and greatly limit the chances of female refugees at finding paid work. We then discuss the consequences for the participation and integration of these newcomers and their families, both for the short and long term. Finally, we discuss how female refugees can be supported more effectively towards labour market participation.

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