
Beleid en Maatschappij

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Aflevering 4, 2018 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen
Van de redactie


Auteurs Dr. Tamara Metze

    This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.

Dr. Tamara Metze
Dr. Tamara Metze is voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.

De opkomst van voedselbeleid: voorbij de tekentafel

Trefwoorden Food policy, Food system, Agricultural policy, Policy integration, Policy instruments
Auteurs Dr. Jeroen Candel

    To address a range of interconnected food-related challenges, Dutch policymakers have invested in the development of integrated food policy in recent years. This article discusses this development in two parts. The first part contains a detailed description of the main events and lines of thinking that characterized the food policy process. From this description it becomes clear that food policy has been gradually developing towards a separate institutionalized policy domain. In the second part, this development is analysed from a policy integration perspective. This analysis shows that although considerable steps towards strengthened policy integration have been made, the Dutch ‘Food agenda’ does not yet proceed beyond symbolic levels. This particularly shows in the absence of concrete policy goals and in a policy instrument mix that has not been adjusted to strengthen consistency and effectiveness. In addition, the involvement of relevant ministries gradually decreased after the initial stages. The article concludes that the food policy process has arrived at a critical juncture: the next steps of the new government will prove decisive for whether food policy integration intentions will advance beyond the drawing board. Political and administrative leadership are identified as key conditions for such further steps to occur.

Dr. Jeroen Candel
Dr. Jeroen Candel is universitair docent bij de Bestuurskundegroep van de Wageningen Universiteit.

Slimme handhaving in de sociale zekerheid

Lessen uit een landelijke enquête onder uitkeringsgerechtigden

Trefwoorden Regulatory enforcement, Social security, Compliance, Motivational postures, Procedural justice
Auteurs Dr. Marc Hertogh en Dr. Willem Bantema

    Using survey data from 1,300 welfare recipients in the Netherlands, this paper explores the effects of different enforcement styles in the field of social security law. Although most policy debates focus on punitive and persuasive enforcement, our findings suggest that both styles only play a limited role in explaining regulatory compliance. Our study also shows that the level of compliance among welfare recipients is related to their ‘motivational postures’ (Braithwaite 2003; 2009; 2011). While some of these ‘postures’ are shaped by elements of procedural justice, others are related to the perceived legitimacy of laws or to instrumental motives. Given these findings, we suggest that compliance with social security laws may not only depend on punitive or persuasive enforcement, but also on the degree in which regulatory enforcement is attuned to the individual characteristics of welfare recipients. Finally, these ideas are translated into several practical suggestions for the ‘smart enforcement’ of social security law.

Dr. Marc Hertogh
Prof. dr. M.L.M. Hertogh is Hoogleraar rechtssociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Dr. Willem Bantema
Dr. W. Bantema is Senior onderzoeker bij de Onderzoeksgroep Cybersafety aan de NHL Stenden Hogeschool Leeuwarden

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dr. Arjan Vliegenthart
Dr. Arjan Vliegenthart is directeur van het Nationaal Instituut voor Budgetvoorlichting.

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Bas Blokker
Bas Blokker is correspondent voor NRC Handelsblad en NRC Next in de Verenigde Staten
Reflectie & debat

Empathisch bestuur als politiek statement

Trefwoorden discretionaire ruimte, cultuurverandering, empathie, morele oordeelsvorming, moreel beraad
Auteurs Dr. mr. Hans Bosselaar

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Dr. mr. Hans Bosselaar
Dr. mr. Hans Bosselaar is als senior onderzoeker en academisch manager verbonden aan de afdeling Bestuurswetenschap en Politicologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

    Reflection and debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Arjan Vliegenthart

Democratie tussen verlangen en vermoeidheid

Trefwoorden Interactive democracy, Emancipation, Interpassivity, Neoliberalism, Algorithms
Auteurs Robert J. van Putten MA MSc

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Robert J. van Putten MA MSc
Robert J. van Putten MA MSc is filosoof en bestuurskundige en werkzaam als promovendus en docent aan de afdeling Bestuurswetenschappen & politicologie van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
De blinde vlek

Wie zorgt er voor de samenleving?

Trefwoorden Participatiesamenleving, Stress, Geestelijke gezondheidszorg, Preventie, Inclusie
Auteurs Drs. Piet-Hein Peeters

    The most relevant part of a discussion is not what is discussed but what cannot be spoken of. The real taboos are those for which it is taboo to call them taboos. The status quo defines itself as non-ideological while denouncing any challenge to itself as radical. Therefore the column ‘De Blinde Vlek’ frames the framers, politicizes the status quo and articulates what is not heard of.

Drs. Piet-Hein Peeters
Drs. Piet-Hein Peeters is journalist (www.pietheinpeeters.nl). Tot 1 november was hij hoofdredacteur van het maandblad Zorg+Welzijn.