Beleid en Maatschappij


Privaat beheerde woondomeinen: beloftevol of beangstigend fenomeen?

Trefwoorden housing enclave, gated community, Netherlands, local government
Auteurs Jasper Eshuis, Erik-Hans Klijn en Mark van Twist

Jasper Eshuis
Jasper Eshuis is senior wetenschappelijk onderzoeker bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Correspondentiegegevens: dr. ir. J. Eshuis, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, vakgroep Bestuurskunde, Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam,

Erik-Hans Klijn
Erik-Hans Klijn is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Mark van Twist
Mark van Twist is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In recent years the Netherlands have seen an upsurge of housing enclaves. The enclaves are often built as courtyards, castles, estates or apartment complexes. The growing number of people living in housing enclaves indicates a demand for this kind of living areas. However, the motivations behind the increasing popularity of housing enclaves are unclear. Is this a reflection of a long standing tradition of people staying in their own social group, seeking for belonging and sociability? Or does it fit in a global trend of searching for security in gated communities? This paper presents empirical research in the Netherlands that addresses peoples’ motives for living in housing enclaves, as well as the role of the local government in relation to housing enclaves. The research shows that residents of housing enclaves seek a pleasant living environment in the first place, while security is a less important motive. The study gives reason for planners and developers outside the US not to assume that fear of crime and a wish for security are the main reasons for moving to housing enclaves. Further, the study shows that housing enclaves are not completely privatized areas. Local government still has an important role to play.

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