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Schildpadgedrag in multi-etnische wijken?

De effecten van etnische diversiteit in stad en buurt op dimensies van sociale cohesie

Trefwoorden ethnic diversity, social cohesion, neighbourhoods, ethnic minorities
Auteurs Mérove Gijsberts, Tom van der Meer en Jaco Dagevos

Mérove Gijsberts
Mérove Gijsberts is verbonden aan het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP). Correspondentiegegevens: dr. M. Gijsberts, Postbus 16164, 2500 BD Den Haag,

Tom van der Meer
Tom van der Meer is verbonden aan het Institute for Immigration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Jaco Dagevos
Jaco Dagevos is verbonden aan het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP).
  • Samenvatting

      Putnam (2007) claims that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods, residents of all ethnic groups tend to ‘hunker down’. Solidarity and trust are lower, mutual help and cooperation rarer, friends fewer. Various studies in the United States found a clear correlation between diversity and cohesion, and also for many different dimensions of social cohesion. Whether this finding also holds in other (European) settings is the subject of hot and unresolved debate. Specifically, this article addresses the question whether living in an ethnically diverse setting has negative consequences for social cohesion in the Netherlands as well. To further the debate, this article pulls apart various contexts and various dimensions of social cohesion. This article examines the relationship between ethnic diversity (in socio-graphically defined neighbourhoods) and four dimensions of social cohesion (trust, informal help, voluntary work and neighbourhood contacts) for the 50 largest cities in the Netherlands. We conclude that the Putnam hypothesis holds only to a limited extent in the Dutch context. The only aspect on which ethnic diversity has a negative effect is the degree of contact in the neighbourhood.

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