This article sketches four more or less excluding future scenarios with regard to immigration and social security. Its objective is to find an answer to the question how the Dutch welfare state and more in particular the system of social security can contribute positively to both labour market participation and social integration of non-western immigrants. The four scenarios, constructed on the basis of two dichotomies open versus closed country borders and privatised versus collective social security, can be perceived as ideal types. Although none of the four scenarios will contribute unequivocally to solving the problem of labour market participation and social integration of immigration, it turns out that two scenarios will be more realistic, given in particular the long-term development of the social security system towards further privatisation. These are the scenarios that combine privatised social security with open or closed borders. The first scenario will be more beneficial from an economic viewpoint. By contrast, the second scenario will be more attractive for those people who primarily want to restrict immigration. |

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Redactioneel |
Van de redactie |
Artikel |
'We can do better than that!'Over de toekomst van het stelsel van sociale zekerheid in het licht van immigratie en integratie van niet-westerse immigranten |
Auteurs | Erik de Gier |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Beleidsvervreemding van publieke professionalsTheoretisch raamwerk en een casus over verzekeringsartsen en arbeidsdeskundigen |
Auteurs | Lars Tummers, Victor Bekkers en Bram Steijn |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this article, we introduce the concept of 'policy alienation'. We define policy alienation as a general cognitive state of psychological disconnection from the policy program being implemented, here by a public professional who regularly interacts directly with clients. By introducing policy alienation, we want to contribute to the contemporary debate on the role of public professionals. According to some authors, professionals are experiencing increasing pressures, as managers have turned their backs to work floors and primarily opt for results, efficiency, and transparency. Conversely, other scholars note that it is questionable whether managers can be blamed for all perceived problems at work floors and in service delivery. We are able to examine these opposing claims using the policy alienation perspective, as this perspective not only takes into account the role of management, but also the influence of policy makers and politicians, as well as the claims of the more emancipated clients. After conceptualizing policy alienation, we use a case of insurance physicians and labor experts to illustrate how the concept can be researched empirically. |
Casus |
De staat van de universiteitTen geleide |
Casus |
Preken voor de parochie van de academicus op klompen |
Auteurs | Ewald Engelen |
Auteursinformatie |
Casus |
Brief aan Chris Lorenz en co |
Auteurs | Trudie Knijn |
Auteursinformatie |
Casus |
Geluk in de wetenschap |
Auteurs | Willem Trommel |
Auteursinformatie |
Discussie |
Terrorismebestrijding |
Discussie |
Winnen de dark mobs het van hun bestrijders? |
Auteurs | Bob de Graaff |
Auteursinformatie |
Discussie |
SPIN of spin? De politiek van het netwerk-denken |
Auteurs | Marieke de Goede |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
De internationalisering en regulering van financiële markten |
Auteurs | Kutsal Yesilkagit |
Auteursinformatie |