Beleid en Maatschappij


Beleidsvervreemding van publieke professionals

Theoretisch raamwerk en een casus over verzekeringsartsen en arbeidsdeskundigen

Auteurs Lars Tummers, Victor Bekkers en Bram Steijn

Lars Tummers
Lars Tummers werkt op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam aan een proefschrift over beleidsvervreemding van publieke professionals en is adviseur bij PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, People & Change. Correspondentiegegevens: Drs. L.G. Tummers, MSc Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Departement Bestuurskunde Postbus 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam

Victor Bekkers
Victor Bekkers is hoogleraar bestuurskunde, in het bijzonder de empirische studie van overheidsbeleid, aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Bram Steijn
Bram Steijn is hoogleraar HRM in de publieke sector aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, we introduce the concept of 'policy alienation'. We define policy alienation as a general cognitive state of psychological disconnection from the policy program being implemented, here by a public professional who regularly interacts directly with clients. By introducing policy alienation, we want to contribute to the contemporary debate on the role of public professionals. According to some authors, professionals are experiencing increasing pressures, as managers have turned their backs to work floors and primarily opt for results, efficiency, and transparency. Conversely, other scholars note that it is questionable whether managers can be blamed for all perceived problems at work floors and in service delivery. We are able to examine these opposing claims using the policy alienation perspective, as this perspective not only takes into account the role of management, but also the influence of policy makers and politicians, as well as the claims of the more emancipated clients. After conceptualizing policy alienation, we use a case of insurance physicians and labor experts to illustrate how the concept can be researched empirically.

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