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'We can do better than that!'

Over de toekomst van het stelsel van sociale zekerheid in het licht van immigratie en integratie van niet-westerse immigranten

Auteurs Erik de Gier

Erik de Gier
Erik de Gier is hoogleraar comparatief arbeidsmarktbeleid bij de faculteit Managementwetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en zelfstandig beleidsonderzoeker en adviseur. Correspondentiegegevens: Prof. dr. H.G. de Gier Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen Postbus 9108 6500 HK Nijmegen
  • Samenvatting

      This article sketches four more or less excluding future scenarios with regard to immigration and social security. Its objective is to find an answer to the question how the Dutch welfare state and more in particular the system of social security can contribute positively to both labour market participation and social integration of non-western immigrants. The four scenarios, constructed on the basis of two dichotomies open versus closed country borders and privatised versus collective social security, can be perceived as ideal types. Although none of the four scenarios will contribute unequivocally to solving the problem of labour market participation and social integration of immigration, it turns out that two scenarios will be more realistic, given in particular the long-term development of the social security system towards further privatisation. These are the scenarios that combine privatised social security with open or closed borders. The first scenario will be more beneficial from an economic viewpoint. By contrast, the second scenario will be more attractive for those people who primarily want to restrict immigration.

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