

Maatschappelijk relevante, inclusieve bestuurskunde

Intersectioneel feminisme in bestuurskundig onderzoek en publiek beleid

Trefwoorden intersectional feminism, social inequality, identity characteristics, lived experiences, public policy
Auteurs Galina van der Weert

Galina van der Weert
G.E. van der Weert, MSc is promovenda aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Haar onderzoek richt zich op governance in organisatienetwerken in de zorg.
  • Samenvatting

      Public policy should aim to achieve social equality for everyone, but current public policy is specifically aimed at a white heterosexual male norm group. Public administration requires a more intersectional feminist perspective in order to make public policy more inclusive and increase social equality. An intersectional feminist perspective recognizes that people’s lived experiences are affected by combinations of their identity characteristics, rather than just gender, race or ethnicity. Sexuality, physical and mental health, class and age are also relevant identity characteristics. Specific combinations of these characteristics have more disadvantages than others. Research in public administration as well as public policy can become more inclusive by applying an intersectional feminist perspective. This means that editors, reviewers, policymakers and professionals need to be continuously aware of the inequalities that exist just because of people’s identity characteristics, and how this affects their decision making, and – in turn – social inequality.

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