
Beleid en Maatschappij

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Aflevering 3, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen
Van de redactie

Samenwerken of verantwoordelijkheid durven nemen?

Het ‘hoe’ van een duurzame toekomst

Auteurs Nanke Verloo

    This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue

Nanke Verloo
Dr. Nanke Verloo is universitair docent Stedelijke Planologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Access_open De veranderende rol van provincies bij de ­uitvoering van hun beleid voor maatschappelijke betrokkenheid bij natuur

Trefwoorden nature policy, governance strategies, social engagement, province, grants
Auteurs Tineke de Boer, Didi van Doren, Dana Kamphorst e.a.

    Promoting societal engagement with nature is an important policy ambition of Dutch nature policy. This article provides an overview of how the provinces together with stakeholders have shaped their policy to increase the societal engagement of citizens with nature in recent years. The goals and governance modes embedded in the policy programs were analyzed, and results and experiences of the various involved parties with the policy were reviewed. Based on a national review and in dept study of three cases, this article describes different regional approaches for increasing societal engagement. In addition it discusses the recent developments within this policy field.
    The analysis shows that provinces pursue different goals with societal engagement. It is both a policy goal in itself – provinces would like to increase the number of citizens involved – as well as a means of achieving a broader range of other goals (welfare, health, quality of life, shared responsibility, funding, support for nature policy). Provinces use different governance modes; they act as responsive and increasingly networking government. They use various policy instruments; financial support for initiatives and intermediaries, network building and communication. Furthermore, the analysis shows that past experiences have shaped provinces’ governance mode and that these are adapted accordingly. A shift is noted from leaving the initiative with communities to more direct facilitation by the government. Also governing based on performance, linked to new public management, is on the rise, as there is increasing demand for accountability of provincial expenditure.

Tineke de Boer
Tineke de Boer is onderzoeker aan het onderzoeksinstituut Wageningen Environmental Research van de Wageningen University & Research.

Didi van Doren
Dr. Didi van Doren is wetenschappelijk onderzoeker bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, Sector Natuur en landelijk gebied.

Dana Kamphorst
Dr. ir. Dana Kamphorst is onderzoeker aan het onderzoeksinstituut Wageningen Environmental Research van de Wageningen University & Research.

Irene Bouwma
Dr. ir. Irene Bouwma is onderzoeker aan het onderzoeksinstituut Wageningen Environmental Research van de Wageningen University & Research.

Regionalisering in de ouderenzorg

Een beleidssociologisch perspectief op grootschalige verandering

Trefwoorden decentered approach, health policy, Regionalization, regional networks, elderly care
Auteurs Jitse Schuurmans, Oemar van der Woerd, Roland Bal e.a.

    Regionalization is foregrounded among policymakers as a solution to the complex problems elderly care is facing, such as a pertinent staff shortage, a greying population and a lack of suitable accommodation. In this article, following a decentered approach, we analyze how field parties like nursing homes and policymakers in interaction give shape to regional collaborations within a market-oriented institutional healthcare context. Our findings show the emerging frictions, due to layered institutional arrangements and the proliferation of policy initiatives and partnerships. We find different responses of institutional actors to these frictions; actors holding off closer regional cooperation, actors creating urgency and commitment to organize care regionally, creating interstices in rules and regulations and building regional networks and care infrastructures. We argue that a focus on the iterative processes through which actors on different layers of the healthcare system give shape to policies adds a valuable perspective to the study of policy changes. We conclude that ‘layered work’ – mobilizing and working with and between different organizational and policy layers simultaneously – is required to develop appropriate (layered) ways to deal with complex problems.

Jitse Schuurmans
Dr. Jitse Schuurmans is Assistant Professor Healthcare Governance, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Oemar van der Woerd
Oemar van der Woerd, MSc is promovendus Healthcare Governance, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Roland Bal
Prof. dr. Roland Bal is Professor of Health Care Governance, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Iris Wallenburg
Dr. Iris Wallenburg is Associate Professor Healthcare Governance, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Over de rol van conflict in de polder

Inleiding bij Reflectie & debat

Auteurs Tamara Metze en Nanke Verloo

    Reflection & debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Tamara Metze
Dr. Tamara Metze is universitair hoofddocent bij de leerstoelgroep Bestuur en Beleid aan de Wageningen Universiteit en redactielid van Beleid en Maatschappij.

Nanke Verloo
Dr. Nanke Verloo is universitair docent Stedelijke Planologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en voorzitter van de redactie van Beleid en Maatschappij.
Reflectie & debat

Access_open Het failliet van het poldermodel?

Leren van publieke beleidsbemiddeling

Auteurs Wouter Mensink en Amber Bosse

    Reflection & debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Wouter Mensink
Dr. Wouter Mensink is adviseur bij Public Mediation.

Amber Bosse
Mr. Amber Bosse is adviseur bij Public Mediation

    Reflection & debate initiates academically inspired discussions on issues that are on the current policy agenda.

Martijn Duineveld
Dr. Martijn Duineveld is universitair hoofddocent Politiek en anti-politiek in planning en ontwerp aan de Wageningen Universiteit.

Guus Dix
Dr. Guus Dix is universitair docent Digitalisering van het hoger onderwijs aan de Universiteit Twente en klimaatactivist voor Extinction Rebellion.

    In this feature authors review recently published books on subjects of interest to readers of Beleid en Maatschappij.

Erik-Jan van Dorp
Erik-Jan van Dorp MSc is universitair docent aan het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht.
De blinde vlek

Klimaatverandering: ecologisch burgerschap

Lessen uit de geschiedenis van sociaal burgerschap in de verzorgingsstaat

Auteurs Evelien Tonkens en Menno Hurenkamp

    The most relevant part of a discussion is not what is discussed but what cannot be spoken of. The real taboos are those for which it is taboo to call them taboos. The status quo defines itself as non-ideological while denouncing any challenge to itself as radical.
    Therefore the column ‘De blinde vlek’ frames the framers, politicizes the status quo and articulates what is not heard of.

Evelien Tonkens
Prof. dr. Evelien Tonkens is verbonden aan de vakgroep Burgerschap en Humanisering van de Publieke Sector aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht.

Menno Hurenkamp
Dr. Menno Hurenkamp is verbonden aan de vakgroep Burgerschap en Humanisering van de Publieke Sector aan de Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht.