Beleid en Maatschappij


Ondertussen in de lokale politiek

De ontwikkeling van lokale politieke partijen, de Leefbaar-beweging en Pim Fortuyn

Trefwoorden local politics, local parties, liveable
Auteurs Julien van Ostaaijen

Julien van Ostaaijen
Julien van Ostaaijen is als onderzoeker en docent werkzaam aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur, verbonden aan de Tilburg University (TiU). Correspondentiegegevens: Dr. J. van Ostaaijen, Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur,
  • Samenvatting

      When people think of Pim Fortuyn, most of them mainly remember his national campaign and (electoral) debates. However, Fortuyn also had an impact in local politics. With the local party Liveable Rotterdam (Leefbaar Rotterdam) he won the 2002 Rotterdam municipal elections with almost 35 procent of the votes and was involved in coalition talks with the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party. Without Fortuyn, who was murdered in 2002, Liveable Rotterdam was able to implement several parts of its electoral programme (Van Ostaaijen 2010, 2011). But Fortuyn’s anti-establishment attitude was not unprecedented at the local level. Many local parties, meaning parties not affiliated to a national party, already portrayed styles of anti-establishment, especially the so-called ‘Liveable’ (Leefbaar) parties. In this article, the development of those parties, mainly since 2002, is described and discussed. The electoral results of these parties are, where possible, linked or hypothesised to the rise of Fortuyn.

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