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De wedergeboorte van de fact-free politics

Pim Fortuyn en de nieuwe tegencultuur (2002-2012)

Trefwoorden politieke cultuur, Pim Fortuyn, fact-free politics, personalisering, anti-establishment ressentiment
Auteurs Prof. dr. Dick Houtman, Dr. Peter Achterberg en Roy Kemmers Msc.

Prof. dr. Dick Houtman
Dick Houtman is hoogleraar cultuursociologie aan het Centre for Rotterdam Cultural Sociology (CROCUS), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Correspondentiegegevens: Prof. dr. D. Houtman, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam.

Dr. Peter Achterberg
Peter Achterberg is universitair hoofddocent cultuursociologie aan het Centre for Rotterdam Cultural Sociology (CROCUS), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Correspondentiegegevens: Dr. P. Achterberg, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam

Roy Kemmers Msc.
Roy Kemmers is promovendus cultuursociologie aan het Centre for Rotterdam Cultural Sociology (CROCUS), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Correspondentiegegevens: R. Kemmers, Msc., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Postbus 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In this paper we analyze Fortuyn’s political inheritance in the Netherlands. Going beyond the mere electoral popularity of his neo-rightist successors, we analyze the changing political culture since Fortuyn entered the political stage. More specifically we show that his ideological beliefs – Fortuyn voiced an unprecedented combination of liberal views towards homosexuals and gender equality with critical views pertaining to immigration, and he was critical of political and administrative elites – caught on in current Dutch politics. Moreover, his highly personal communicative style, placing him outside the inner circle of Dutch politics underscoring his adversity to these political elites, also caught on in mainstream political campaigning. This new personal style, however, did not mean a demise of ideology. On the contrary, Fortuyn actively tried to appeal to the electorate with ideals and ideology – hence marking the rebirth of the so-called ‘fact-free politics’ after the de-ideologized purple governments in the Netherlands. Since Fortuyn, mainly parties on the right side of the political spectrum have followed this path of re-ideologization. The paper ends with a comparison of the counterculture originating in the 1960s and post-Fortuyn right-wing politics, which surprisingly shows great continuity. We therefore argue that we are currently witnessing a veritable counterculture 2.0.

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