Beleid en Maatschappij


Voor en na Fortuyn. Veranderingen en continuïteiten in het burgeroordeel over het democratisch bestuur in Nederland

Trefwoorden Fortuyn, democratic governance, legitimacy, support, satisfaction
Auteurs Prof. dr. Frank Hendriks, Dr. Julien van Ostaaijen en Marcel Boogers

Prof. dr. Frank Hendriks
Frank Hendriks is hoogleraar bestuurskunde aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur,Tilburg University. Correspondentiegegevens: Prof. dr. F. Hendriks, Tilburg School of Politics and Public Administration, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tiburg.

Dr. Julien van Ostaaijen
Julien van Ostaaijen is als onderzoeker en docent werkzaam aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur, Tilburg University. Correspondentiegegevens: Dr. J. van Ostaaijen, Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur,

Marcel Boogers
Marcel Boogers is universitair hoofddocent bestuurskunde aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur, Tilburg University.
  • Samenvatting

      For several years, Dutch and international survey research programmes, such as the European Values Studies, the Eurobarometer, and the Dutch Parliamentary Elections Studies, have registered the judgements of (Dutch) citizens regarding a wide variety of topics. The Legitimacy-monitor Democratic Governance (Hendriks, Van Ostaaijen & Boogers, 2011) assembles those statistics that together present a layered picture of the legitimacy of democratic governance in the eyes of Dutch citizens. For this article, we review those statistics and take the ‘Fortuyn-year 2002’, the year in which Fortuyn shook up Dutch politics, as a demarcation point. Among the many continuities in pre- and post-Fortuyn statistics, we register a number of marked changes in the judgements of citizens regarding democratic governance in the Netherlands. The most salient, we conclude, is the growing thirst for vigorous ‘leadership’, which not only breaks with the trend of several decades (ever weaker preference for strong leadership), but also the logic of Dutch consensus democracy (many hands and not one head).

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