

Ethisch leiderschap: een onderzoek naar de rol van leiderschap bij ethische dilemma’s over datagebruik bij gemeenten

Auteurs Pauline Zwanikken en Erna Ruijer

Pauline Zwanikken
P.N.M. Zwanikken MSc is werkzaam bij The Green Land adviesbureau open data, open overheid. Zij deed een master Publiek Management aan de Universiteit Utrecht.

Erna Ruijer
Dr. E. Ruijer is werkzaam als universitair docent aan de Universiteit Utrecht bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO).
  • Samenvatting

      The increasing datafication of society brings both opportunities and ethical dilemmas for public organisations. The aim of this research (in Dutch municipalities) is to gain insight into how ethical leadership can support professionals in a public organisation with ethical dilemmas about data use. Based on literature on data and ethical leadership, the authors have developed a conceptual model that indicates how an ethical leader can provide intrinsic and extrinsic support. The model was tested on the basis of 16 vignette interviews with municipal public professionals who work on providing insight into and combating subversion with data. Their findings show that ethical leaders can intrinsically provide support by being trustworthy and independent, leading by example, communicating about ethics and data use, and empowering others. In addition, ethical leaders can provide extrinsic support with ethical tools, such as ethical codes on data use, an ethics committee and training.

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