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Aflevering 4, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open 75 jaar ontwikkelingssamenwerking en effectiviteit

Uitdagingen en kansen bij het evalueren van een veranderend geloofsartikel

Auteurs Peter van der Knaap en Yvonne Kleistra

Peter van der Knaap
Dr. P. van der Knaap is directeur Internationaal Onderzoek en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB) bij het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Yvonne Kleistra
Dr. Y. Kleistra is universitair docent aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Ontwikkelingssamenwerking 2.0

Vooruitzien door terug te kijken

Trefwoorden development cooperation, Netherlands, Africa, political interests, economic interests
Auteurs Peter Malcontent

    Does it make sense to maintain development cooperation as a recognizable policy area when public support, like the aid budget have declined and the most recent policy memorandum ‘Doing what the Netherlands is good at’ more openly than ever promotes the now equally dwindling aid budget as an instrument to promote well-understood self-interest? Yes, it does. But that does not imply that this article advocates a return to a bygone era when development experts professed the gospel of poverty alleviation by trying to keep the merchant and the diplomat out of the door. On the contrary, this article wishes to emphasize that isolating development cooperation from political and economic interests does not make sense because is not possible and therefore has never been successful. Anyone who dares to face this, will also more easily come to the conclusion that, under certain conditions, the fight against poverty can indeed go hand in hand with the promotion of other goals and interests.

Peter Malcontent
Dr. P.A.M. Malcontent is als universitair docent werkzaam bij de afdeling Geschiedenis van de Internationale Betrekkingen (GIB) van het departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op de rol van internationale normen en waarden binnen de internationale betrekkingen en het Nederlandse buitenlands beleid.

Zinvolle en betrouwbare impactevaluaties

Waar ontstaan kansen om de impact van ontwikkelingsinterventies te onderzoeken?

Trefwoorden impact evaluation, development, challenges, simple comparisons, proper designs
Auteurs Mark Treurniet en Maarten Voors

    Studying the impact of development interventions is not straightforward. Simple comparisons fall short, because differences in, for example, poverty are often not due to just the intervention, but also to other factors. In this article, we discuss examples of projects that studied the impact of interventions in a meaningful and reliable way. We then discuss some practical challenges. We call for a critical approach to impact evaluation designs and for a joint search for opportunities to evaluate impact in a meaningful and reliable way.

Mark Treurniet
Dr. M. Treurniet is assistant professor bij de Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Maarten Voors
Dr. ir. M.J. Voors is associate professor bij de vakgroep Ontwikkelingseconomie van Wageningen Universiteit & Research.

Ambivalenties in de Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking

Spanningen tussen beleid, organisatie en uitvoering

Trefwoorden development cooperation, governance, priorities, implementation, coherence
Auteurs Ruerd Ruben

    Most discussions about international development cooperation focus on objectives and results, while hardly any attention is paid to the organization and implementation of policies. However, the actual possibilities to achieve strategic goals are largely determined by the institutional organization. This article analyses how the tension between policy priorities and intervention options leads to dilemmas in the field of governance and management of international cooperation programs and identifies some possibilities for a more coherent and effective Dutch development policy.

Ruerd Ruben
Prof. dr. R. Ruben is (emeritus) hoogleraar aan de Wageningen Universiteit en voormalig directeur van de Inspectie Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Buitenlandbeleid (IOB) bij het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Een alternatief perspectief op ontwikkelingssamenwerking via maatschappelijke organisaties

Van technisch management naar sociale transformatie

Trefwoorden civil society – CSOs, aid effectiveness, monitoring and evaluation, partnership, development policies
Auteurs Jelmer Kamstra

    After years of development cooperation focused on service delivery and technical assistance, several years ago the Netherlands put the political role of civil society organisations in the South centre stage with the programme ‘Dialogue and Dissent’ (2016-2020). The aim was to strengthen the voice of marginalised groups in order to achieve more structural solutions to issues of poverty, inequality and exclusion. Compared to previous programmes of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this new approach represented a fundamental shift in thinking, a paradigm shift.
    This article describes two archetypal approaches to development cooperation: the technical management approach and the social transformative approach. It then describes how ‘Dialogue and Dissent’ makes the shift from one to the other through a stronger focus on the political role of CSOs, establishing partnership relations, and on flexible and more qualitative forms of monitoring and evaluation. It addresses tensions, growing pains and dilemmas that arise during implementation. It provides tools for policymakers, politicians and researchers to question the paradigms we find ourselves in, and relate the choices we make to them.

Jelmer Kamstra
Dr. J. Kamstra is als senior beleidsevaluator werkzaam bij de Directie Internationaal Onderzoek en Beleidsevaluatie (IOB) van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Vrij artikel

Democratische vernieuwing van binnenuit of meer van hetzelfde?

Een verkenning van raadsakkoorden in gemeenten in de periode 2014-2022

Trefwoorden council wide agreement, local democracy, Municipal Councils, council-wide program, local government, political constitutional law
Auteurs Lianne van Kalken

    Since 2014, more Municipal Councils in the Netherlands break with the longstanding tradition of simple majority coalitions and choose to work with a council-wide program. In such council-wide programs all the parties work together on a common agenda. Municipalities that do so, no longer have a fixed coalition and opposition, but make decisions based on council-wide agreement. Although this practice has become more common over the past years, hardly any empirical research has been done into this new way of political decision-making in local government. In this article we explore the practice of coalition-wide agreements and draw conclusions about the viability of this new model.

Lianne van Kalken
Mr. L. van Kalken is wethouder bij de gemeente Vlaardingen en daarnaast onderzoeker bij Erasmus School of Law.

By the public, for the public?

Coping with value conflicts in the co-production of public services

Auteurs Sylke Jaspers

Sylke Jaspers