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Aflevering 2, 2022 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Access_open Inleiding op het themanummer ‘Professionalisering van ambtelijke managers. Perspectieven op vaardigheden, vakmanschap en leiderschap’

Trefwoorden Public managers, Professionalization, Skills, Craft, Leadership
Auteurs Erik-Jan van Dorp, Jasmijn van Harten, Mirko Noordegraaf e.a.

    In this special issue, we set the scene: we explain what we do in this special issue, and why. All authors analyze the 'improvement' of public managers, of their work, behavior, craft, profession. This is paradoxical: professional public managers are seen as highly important, but it is highly unclear what it means to be and act as professional public managers. We sketch four perspectives on the professionalization of public managers. They will be elaborated in the various papers: a 1) bureaucratic, 2) political, 3) strategic human resource, and 4) societal perspective. They will have to be combined to get a fuller picture of 'effective' public managers.

Erik-Jan van Dorp
G.H. van Dorp, MSc is als universitair docent werkzaam bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht (UU).

Jasmijn van Harten
Dr. E.J. Jasmijn van Harten is als universitair docent werkzaam bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht (UU).

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar publiek management aan de Universiteit Utrecht (UU), en vice-decaan maatschappelijke impact, en tevens voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB).

Mark Frequin
Drs. M. Frequin is voormalig directeur-generaal bij meerdere departementen en thans buitengewoon adviseur voor publiek leiderschap bij het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK). en tevens voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Overheidsmanagement (VOM).

Functionele politisering en politieke fragmentatie

Ontwikkelingen in de ambtelijke top in de periode 2007-2021

Trefwoorden polarization, functional politicization, senior civil servants, bureaucratic powers, civil service scrutiny
Auteurs Caspar van den Berg en Alexandre Belloir

    Functional politicization – political activities and capacities taken on by bureaucrats within their administrative function – has received increased academic attention over recent years. Regardless, the factors and determinants behind this phenomenon remain a point of uncertainty and debate. Within this study, we explore whether increased political polarization and fragmentation in the Dutch political landscape from 2007 to 2019 and functional politicization are related. To do so, we analyze data from surveys conducted in 2007, 2013 and 2019 and semi-structured interviews conducted in 2019 to establish which skills – political-strategic insight, substantive expertise (Fachwissen), or procedural knowledge (Dienstwissen) – are perceived by senior civil servants to be the most prevalent in exercising their profession. The data depicts the prevalence of political astuteness in the profession and highlights three causal dimensions: institutional, organizational, and interpersonal dynamics. It however fails to highlight a cross-time evolution, which is hypothesized to be due to a ceiling effect of this competence having constantly been perceived as the most prevalent. The latter adds a theoretical dimension to the notion of functional politicisation, as it aligns with other academic findings that suggest senior civil servants are now subject to heightened pressures due to being increasingly monitored and in the (public) spotlight.

Caspar van den Berg
Caspar van den Berg is hoogleraar Global and Local Governance aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en bijzonder hoogleraar Transities in de Publieke Sector aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Alexandre Belloir
Alexandre Belloir is promovendus bij het Departement Global and Local Governance van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Vernieuwing van vakmanschap

Een kritische analyse van de professionaliseringsactiviteiten van de Algemene Bestuursdienst (ABD)

Trefwoorden Algemene Bestuursdienst (ABD), Senior Civil Servants, Public Managers, Craftwork, Professionalisation, Institutionalisation
Auteurs Mirko Noordegraaf en Erik-Jan van Dorp

    In this paper we study the institutional impact of the Dutch senior executive service (Dutch: Algemene Bestuursdienst, hereafter: ABD) on the craft of senior civil servants in Dutch government. Our study rests upon a thorough evaluation conducted in 2020. For this study, we interviewed 51 (former) cabinet ministers, members of parliament, senior civil servants, HR experts and ‘outsiders’. We structure our paper in three parts. First, we discuss the founding principles and motives for the institutional renewal that became the ABD. Second, we discuss the ABD’s practice. Third, we signal and interpret the outcomes of the ABD so far. This results in five critical observations. We conclude the ABD has become an institutional fact. Nonetheless, the ABD could have done more to transcend the focus on individual appointments and development of collective craftmanship, and to visibly shape and protect such craftmanship.

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar publiek management aan de Universiteit Utrecht (UU), en vice-decaan maatschappelijke impact, en tevens voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB).

Erik-Jan van Dorp
G.H. van Dorp, MSc is als universitair docent werkzaam bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap (USBO) van de Universiteit Utrecht (UU).

Publieke manager 2030

Trefwoorden Public Management, VUCA World, Leadership, Futures Thinking, Leadership Development
Auteurs Zeger van der Wal

    This short essay identifies key future trends for public managers and outlines seven leadership challenges for public managers.

Zeger van der Wal
Prof. dr. Z. van der Wal bekleedt de Ien Dales leerstoel aan de Universiteit Leiden en is daarnaast werkzaam als zelfstandig bestuurskundig adviseur.

Te veel van het goede?

De meerwaarde en risico’s van employability van ambtelijke managers

Trefwoorden employability, HRM, management development, mobility, public managers
Auteurs Jasmijn van Harten, Brenda Vermeeren en Carina Schott

    Employability is often framed as a win-win situation for both organizations and employees. It is therefore no surprise that governments’ management development policies usually heavily invest in the employability of public managers. Whether this approach has potential downsides for both parties has been overlooked so far. The aim of this article is to present a critical view on employability of public managers. We illustrate the added value as well as risks of employability investments by using recent Dutch data on senior civil servants. Our findings indicate that employability has benefits but that it can become ‘too much of a good thing’ leading to risks as organizational amnesia and loss of managerial credibility.

Jasmijn van Harten
Dr. J. van Harten is universitair docent bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht

Brenda Vermeeren
Dr. B. Vermeeren is universitair hoofddocent bij het departement Bestuurskunde en Sociologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Carina Schott
Dr. C. Schott is universitair docent bij het departement Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap van de Universiteit Utrecht

Op zoek naar publiek leiderschap

Trefwoorden Public leadership, Search, Compass, Movement, Dilemmas and paradoxes, No jumping to solutions
Auteurs Mark Frequin

    At the request of the General Administrative Service (ABD) of the Government in the Netherlands Mark Frequin developed a vision for public leadership. In his opinion it’s not about a paper-reality but about a movement to more leadership. For that reason he made a Compass for public leadership. If you want to set steps to more leadership it’s all about looking for direction. And despite what normally happens in the public sector, jumping to solutions, it’s therefore much more important to find out what are the dilemmas, the problems, the paradoxes, the puzzles…Mark is giving attention to some of them in this article: the need for more long-term-planning and at the same time short-term political promises; the importance of more knowledge in public on the one hand and the same time seeing more opinions in society and media; the information-paradox: not too much and not too little information; being in control and at the same time accepting uncertainty; and being a (civil) servant and also a (public) leader. The search for public leadership is understanding the difficulties. It’s therefore a search given the fact that there are not one-time answers.

Mark Frequin
Drs. M. Frequin is voormalig directeur-generaal bij meerdere departementen en inmiddels buitengewoon adviseur voor publiek leiderschap bij het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK); tevens is hij voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Overheidsmanagement (VOM).
Vrij artikel

Je bent wat je teweegbrengt

Denken over impact van de Nederlandse bestuurskunde

Trefwoorden public administration, Dutch context, impact, societal challenges, visibility
Auteurs Warda Belabas en Paul ’t Hart

    In this article we reflect on the scientific, the administrative governmental and societal impact of Dutch public administration. We argue that this discipline has put itself strongly on the map in the last half century. Additionally, the discipline has, in line with the ethos of its founding fathers, developed itself closely in dialogue with administrative practices. This has led to many different forms of impact in the administrative-professional field. However, there is much to gain when it comes to societal impact, and in particular the visibility of public administration in the broader public debate about the many societal challenges that modern societies face.

Warda Belabas
Dr. W. Belabas is verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam. Zij onderzoekt beleids- en governance-vraagstukken rondom migratie, integratie en identiteit.

Paul ’t Hart
Prof. dr. P. ’t Hart is als hoogleraar verbonden aan de Universiteit van Utrecht en co-decaan van de Nederlandse School voor Openbaar Bestuur. Hij leidde van 2016-2022 een ERC onderzoeksprogramma over succesvol bestuur.
Vrij artikel

Maatschappelijke impact maken?!

Reactie op ’t Hart & Belabas, ‘Je bent wat je teweegbrengt’

Trefwoorden Societal impact, Public administration, Impact degrees, Impact pathways, Societal issues
Auteurs Mirko Noordegraaf

    In this paper, the athour responds to 't Hart's and Belabas' emphasis on a call for more impact, more specifically, more societal impact. First and foremost, it is important to define what societal impact means, and how it can be generated. In additon to increasing the effects of academic knowledge, it can also mean more links with societal issues, and/or more contributions to changing the societal order. This, in turn, also implies changing academic impact, namely impact on other academic disciplines. In addition, it is important to clarify 'impact pathways' when societal impact is 'made'. Impact can be visible and instantaneous, but it can also be hidden, and/or stretched in time. Public administration scholars should trave these different routes to impact, by going outside, observing grass roots processes, showcase intriguing experiences, and make subtle knowledge connections.

Mirko Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. M. Noordegraaf is hoogleraar Publiek management en vice-decaan Maatschappelijke impact, Universiteit Utrecht, en voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB).
Vrij artikel

Access_open De wethouder en de wereld

Hoe de bouw van datacenters de noodzaak van een krachtige, hybride overheid laat zien

Trefwoorden hybrid government, data centres, privatisation, globalisation, digital transformation, spatial planning law
Auteurs Cees-Jan Pen en Bart Wernaart

    Recently, the construction of large datacentres has led to intense societal debate in the Netherlands. Political decision making preceding the building of these centres is usually done at a decentralized governance level. However, at that level, it appears to be challenging to balance the relevant interest with integrity, and the living environment of citizens is easily overlooked. At the core of this debate lies a systemic challenge that comes with the changing role of the local government. Driven by privatization, globalization, digital transformation and citizen emancipation, the identity of governments transforms. Consequentially, governments are not only legislators and policy makers, but also – and increasingly – business partner, shareholder and client. Local politicians struggle with combining and switching between these roles. The case of datacentres is the embodiment of these challenges, and it takes a powerful, hybrid government to address these challenges in a meaningful manner and adopt a more active role for civilians in line with the new Dutch spatial planning law. Above all, it is necessary to focus on acting as a professional and stable partner. This is not only in the interest of citizens, but also in the interest of the related private organizations.

Cees-Jan Pen
Dr. C.J. Pen is lector de Ondernemende Regio aan de hogeschool Economie en Communicatie van Fontys Hogescholen.

Bart Wernaart
Mr. dr. B.F.W. Wernaart is Lector Moral Design Strategy aan de hogeschool Economie en Communicatie van Fontys Hogescholen.

Kwaliteitssystemen in de Nederlandse geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Een analyse van de impact van kwaliteitssystemen op de praktijk van de zorg

Auteurs Marieke van Geffen

Marieke van Geffen

Tucht van de tijd

Over het tijdigen van bestuur en beleid

Auteurs Jorren Scherpenisse

Jorren Scherpenisse

Crisis leadership by mayors

An empirical multimethod study

Auteurs Wouter Jong

Wouter Jong