Beleid en Maatschappij


Transitietheorie in de beleidspraktijk

Van cherry picking naar robuuste onderbouwing

Trefwoorden Transition policy, Social change theory, Sustainability, Normativity, Energy policy
Auteurs Albert Faber

Albert Faber
Ir. Albert Faber werkt als strateeg bij het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat. Deze bijdrage is op persoonlijke titel geschreven.
  • Samenvatting

      Policy makers who work on sustainability transitions are well informed by transition science. As many scientific disciplines transition science comprises several theories and schools of thought, with distinct concepts and logical frames. The implication is that we can distinguish – subtle and implicit – different normative assumptions about, e.g., role of government, theory of social change, object of policy and issues of power. Such normative assumptions could then translate into policy, often without a proper assessment. This article aims to make such normative assumptions in transition theories more explicit. I explore how these normative elements translate into actual transition policy in a case of Dutch policy for ‘regional energy strategies’. Revealing normative elements in transition policy (or any policy field) can help policy makers to avoid pitfalls of conceptual cherry picking, thus contributing to transition policy that is scientifically and normatively robust.

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