Beleid en Maatschappij


Diversiteit en inclusie bij de rijksoverheid: met beleid vooruit

Trefwoorden diversity, inclusion, culture, leadership, public sector
Auteurs Saniye Çelik

Saniye Çelik
Dr. Saniye Çelik is lector diversiteit aan de Hogeschool Leiden en opleider aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch public sector wants to become more diverse and inclusive, which seems necessary for the legitimacy and confidence of the government. This explorative study took place within two Dutch national government departments and shows how scientific insights into diversity and inclusion are reflected in government practice. Four results can be derived from this study: (1) The sense of urgency around diversity and inclusion has a stimulating effect, but the embedding of the theme into both departments deserves attention. (2) There is a wealth of perspectives and interventions, but hardly any attention to the connection with society. (3) The themes of leadership and inclusion should be higher on the agenda. (4) Psychological security determines an inclusive culture.
      Important conclusions and recommendations are:
      - Formulate a clear vision of diversity and inclusion, and involve the entire organisation in the approach.
      - Strengthen an inclusive culture, and invest in inclusive leadership.
      - Promote diversity at the top of the organisation.

      Notably, the influx of diversity in the workforce is still the priority of many public organisations. However, the flow and retention of these employees needs more attention. There lies an important task for executives. These conclusions and recommendations form a basis for organisations that want to move forward with policies and interventions on diversity and inclusion.

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