Beleid en Maatschappij


Gemeentelijke bestuurskracht in de energietransitie

Het operationaliseren en kwantificeren van een ongrijpbaar begrip

Trefwoorden governing capacity, local energy policy, sustainability, climate governance
Auteurs Rick de Vries MSc, Dr. Kees Vringer en Dr. ir. Hans Visser

Rick de Vries MSc
Rick de Vries MSc is onderzoeksmedewerker bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving.

Dr. Kees Vringer
Dr. Kees Vringer is senior onderzoeker bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving.

Dr. ir. Hans Visser
Dr. ir. Hans Visser is senior onderzoeker statistische analyses bij het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving.
  • Samenvatting

      Municipalities play an important role in the Dutch energy transition. Therefore, they are expected to deal both sufficiently and timely with their tasks. The question is whether they have the capacity to do so (governing capacity). This study aims to assess whether improving governing capacity can be used to improve the policy performance. We operationalized governing capacity and built a model to assess the relation between several conditions for governing capacity and policy performance for three domains of the energy transition: built environment, mobility and renewables. We found no direct relationship between perceived governing capacity and energy transition policy output. However, we found relationships between conditions for governing capacity, and the policy output. About 25 percent of the total variance in policy performance could be attributed to population size. This percentage levels up to 55 to 60 percent if the motivation of the local administration, cooperation between municipalities and other governmental organisations and the participation of citizens and businesses are also taken into account. This contradicts the idea that enlarging municipalities is the most important way to achieve a higher policy performance.

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