The problem of climate change is high on the various political-administrative agendas, both national and international. At the same time the problem is full of uncertainties and controversies. Adaptation to climate change asks for adjustments in our spatial planning, but can also necessitate changes in the distribution of public and private responsibilities. A crucial question is how the legitimacy of adaptation measures can be organized in a context surrounded with uncertainties, controversies and conflicting interests. In this paper we introduce the central theme of this special issue and the various contributions. |
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Redactioneel |
Van de redactie |
Artikel |
Inleiding: Klimaatbestendigheid als ruimtelijke en maatschappelijke opgaveBouwstenen voor legitieme adaptatiestrategieën |
Auteurs | Arwin van Buuren, Peter Driessen en Geert Teisman |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Klimaatverandering en waterveiligheid, tussen ernst en enthousiasmeDe discursieve framing van bedreigingen en kansen |
Auteurs | Arwin van Buuren en Jeroen Warner |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Publiek en privaat initiatief bij klimaatadaptatie |
Auteurs | Piet Rietveld |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Adaptation to climate change is a challenge for both the public and the private sector. The legitimacy of initiatives from the side of the public sector is analyzed by means of the concept of market failure. This implies an economics oriented definition of legitimacy. This analytical framework is applied to climate related themes such as floods, low water, draught, storms and heat stress. Special attention is paid to the possibility to stimulate the involvement of the private sector by means of financial incentives. |
Artikel |
Een strategisch kompas voor duurzame beheersing van klimaatvraagstukken |
Auteurs | Marleen van Rijswick en Willem Salet |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Climate change forces to a fundamental reconsideration of our strategic policy, and especially of the relationship between policy and law. With regard to political urgent topics, a tendency towards policy instrumentalism always lies in wait. In the current policy practice this problem manifests itself in the application of law (in many detailed norm prescriptions) and – curiously – also in its policy counterpart: the search towards informal but even goal specific policy processes. The authors plead for dealing with spatial climate challenges by creating room for a strategic policy perspective and a sustainable approach of the relation between law and policy. A qualitative approach of policy and law necessitates an innovative juridical transformation: the use of general normative rules which give direction to flexible policy processes in multiple, specific policy situations. |
Artikel |
De governance van klimaatadaptatieNaar een legitieme balans tussen daadkracht en draagvlak |
Auteurs | Arwin van Buuren en Geert Teisman |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The problem of climate change is high on the various political-administrative agendas, both national and international. At the same time the problem is full of uncertainties and controversies. Adaptation to climate change asks for adjustments in our spatial planning, but can also necessitate changes in the distribution of public and private responsibilities. A crucial question is how the legitimacy of adaptation measures can be organized in a context surrounded with uncertainties, controversies and conflicting interests. In this paper we introduce the central theme of this special issue and the various contributions. |
Artikel |
De bekostiging van klimaatadaptatieArrangementen voor een legitieme balans van baten en lasten |
Auteurs | Peter Driessen en Tejo Spit |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The extent to which the implementation of adaptation strategies is effective is determined by the availability of suitable financial instruments. The Dutch spatial planning system consists of several instruments for financing and implementing spatial development plans. The central question of this article is: which insights from the present financing system could be relevant for an effective and legitimate climate adaptation policy in the near future? |
Artikel |
Slot: Klimaatbestendigheid: tussen ordening en adaptiviteitEen kritische slotbeschouwing over de legitimiteit van klimaatadaptatie |
Auteurs | Arwin van Buuren, Peter Driessen en Geert Teisman |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The problem of climate change is high on the various political-administrative agendas, both national and international. At the same time the problem is full of uncertainties and controversies. Adaptation to climate change asks for adjustments in our spatial planning, but can also necessitate changes in the distribution of public and private responsibilities. A crucial question is how the legitimacy of adaptation measures can be organized in a context surrounded with uncertainties, controversies and conflicting interests. In this paper we introduce the central theme of this special issue and the various contributions. |
Discussie |
WRR-rapport ontwikkelingshulp |
Discussie |
Ontwikkelingshulp die verschil maakt |
Auteurs | Peter van Lieshout, Monique Kremer en Robert Went |
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Discussie |
Een rapport dat verschil kan maken |
Auteurs | Wieger Bakker |
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Boekbespreking |
De reproductie van bestuurlijk gezag in een tijdperk van mediatiseringOnder redactie van Duco Bannink |
Auteurs | Peter Scholten |
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Boekbespreking |
Hoe verder met politiestudies? |
Auteurs | Guus Meershoek |
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Column |
Virtuele krachten |
Auteurs | Joop van Holsteyn |
Auteursinformatie |