After the European refugee crisis of 2015-2016, many Dutch municipalities took initiative in (re)shaping policies of asylum seeker reception and refugee integration in their own ways. We are witnessing a ‘local turn’ of integration policies with decentralization of responsibilities to the local level of governance. Besides civic integration and socioeconomic integration, social integration of asylum seekers and refugees has been a concern as these groups are often housed in superdiverse and vulnerable neighborhoods. How can municipalities best address the specific problems in their cities? This editorial introduces the four articles that are part of this special issue. We discuss three overarching topics. First, we argue that aside from targeting specific groups and issues, cities should develop mainstreamed policies and provisions to be able to handle future fluctuations and changes in their populations. Second, we observe that in policies aimed at enhancing inter-group contact, earlier immigrant groups are often overlooked. They can play a bridging role in establishing social connections. Third, we highlight the role of urban experiments and living labs in transfer and upscaling of innovative policies. |

Over dit tijdschriftMeld u zich hier aan voor de attendering op dit tijdschrift zodat u direct een mail ontvangt als er een nieuw digitaal nummer is verschenen en u de artikelen online kunt lezen.
Thema-artikel |
Trefwoorden | decentralization, migrant integration, social contact, mainstreaming, living labs |
Auteurs | Dr. Rianne Dekker en Dr. Meike Bokhorst |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Thema-artikel |
Van diversiteitsagenda’s tot participatietrajectenEen vergelijking van lokaal vluchtelingenbeleid in zestien Nederlandse gemeenten |
Trefwoorden | local governance, decentralization, refugees, immigrant integration, mainstreaming |
Auteurs | Ilona van Breugel MSc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article describes the main trends in refugee policies in sixteen Dutch cities, offering an overview of the local approaches to the reception, housing and integration of refugees that the cities rapidly had to develop in response to the increased refugee inflow in 2015. In contrast to other studies that often focus on capital and gateway cities, this article illustrates the variety of local approaches to migration diversity and refugee integration. By illustrating the different positions municipalities take, the article shows the local power to innovate. In this article clusters of cities with comparable approaches to refugee policies are identified to aid cooperation and knowledge exchange between cities, in which the big cities are not necessarily always the relevant partners. |
Thema-artikel |
Niet toegeven maar teruggeven bij protestEffecten van beleid bij vestiging van een asielzoekerscentrum in Utrecht |
Trefwoorden | asylum seeker centres, local opposition, policy effects, inter-group contact, Utrecht |
Auteurs | Dr. Rianne Dekker, Dr. Karin Geuijen en Dr. Caroline Oliver |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The refugee crisis of 2015-2016 prompted European governments to quickly institute new asylum seeker centres. Often however, plans for opening new reception centres are met with protest in surrounding localities. Gaining public support for new ASCs has become a pressing governance issue facing local governments. This research looks at whether a policy strategy of ‘giving back’ to the neighbourhood rather than ‘giving in’ to the demands of protesters can minimise local opposition and alleviate negative attitudes . A door-to-door survey of N = 511 neighbourhood residents is combined with semi-structured interview data of N = 31 neighbourhood residents. We find that attitudes were already neutral to fairly positive shortly after the centre opened and fears of nuisance and crime did not materialise. Those who became involved in the ASCs’ courses and activities are a small and selective group who were already fairly accepting of the centre. Contact between asylum seekers and neighbours developing within and beyond the ASC was valued but did not develop into stronger ties due to frequent moves of asylum seekers and early closure of the ASC. |
Thema-artikel |
Spreidingsbeleid voor huisvesting van statushoudersSpeelt de buurt een rol in de vroege integratie? |
Trefwoorden | social integration, contact, refugees, neighborhood diversity, dispersion policy |
Auteurs | Dr. Meta van der Linden |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The Netherlands has been struggling with the question of how to facilitate the integration of refugees who crossed into Europe during the 2015/2016 ‘refugee crisis’. Dutch municipalities aim for the dispersion of refugees over various neighborhoods under the assumption that the ethnic composition of the neighborhood is conducive to integration. In the current study, I test this assumption using a new and representative survey (N = 768 predominantly Syrian refugees living in 45 neighborhoods, response rate 85%) linked to neighborhood data situated in the most ethnically diverse city in the Netherlands; Rotterdam. Multilevel analyses revealed that, generally, a larger share of people without a migration background in the neighborhood was related to more frequent contact with neighbors without a migration background. A larger share of people with a Moroccan background was related to more frequent contact with people with a Moroccan background, but predominantly for Syrian refugees. The neighborhood was not related to contact with people from the same background of with people with a Turkish background. Hence, meeting opportunities in the neighborhood only appear to facilitate social integration if they coincide with refugees’ social preferences. |
Thema-artikel |
Samen wonen om te integrerenHoe gemengde woonprojecten interactie stimuleren tussen vluchtelingen en Nederlandse bewoners |
Trefwoorden | refugees, integration, mixed housing projects, collaborative housing, social connections |
Auteurs | Carla Huisman MSc en Dr. Darinka Czischke |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The integration of refugees in the Netherlands has been suboptimal for years. After receiving a residence permit, refugees are distributed across the country and dispersed over neighborhoods. However, since the 2015 refugee crisis, the municipality of Amsterdam has adopted a different approach. Here, refugees that have been granted residence live together with Dutch young adults in projects where they share facilities and play a role in managing the project. To what extent can such mixed housing projects help the integration of refugees? The Startblok Riekerhaven, which was the first project, was studied for a year with qualitative research. The findings show that mixed housing projects can stimulate the formation of social connections. In this way they can contribute to the integration of refugees in the Netherlands. Given the suboptimal results of the current dispersal policy, this is relevant for science and policy. |
Vrij artikel |
Verantwoorden met gevoelTaalkundige analyse van de impact van verantwoordingsrapporten in het openbaar bestuur |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Thomas Schillemans en Marija Aleksovska Msc |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This paper analyzes the impact of linguistic characteristics of accountability reports on public sector organizations. It does so by analysing hundreds of accountability reports by four public sector bodies using the linguistic tool LIWC. The research question is: what linguistic characteristics of accountability reports are related to a bigger impact on the evaluated organization? The impact of three strategic choices is assessed. First of all, the impact of strategic positioning. Authors of texts can maintain a position of power in the choice of language (high clout) and speak top down to the recipient or they can take a more egalitarian, face to face, position. Secondly, authors can choose to use many complex linguistic phrasings, with causal reasoning for instance, or they can opt for simpler texts. Finally, the text can be littered with emotional, positive and negative, wordings or can be set in a neutral tone. Our analyses suggest that more emotional accountability reports are consistently related to a better reception and seem to have more impact. This has important consequences both theoretically and practically, which are discussed in the paper. |
Kroniek |
Proeftuinen zonder wij |
Trefwoorden | integrated care, policy integration, collaborative governance, distributed leadership, magic concepts |
Auteurs | Dr. Duco Bannink |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This article is a review of two policy documents on integrated care in the Netherlands. I argue that not a shared definition of ‘integrated care,’ but instead the own factual understandings of care and normative preferences, values or interests concerning care motivates the action of actors that need to produce integrated care. Not the network-level problem, but instead actor-level motivations explain to what extent integrated care is effectuated. The policy documents, but also important segments of the literature on policy integration seem to underestimate this problem. |
Dissertatie |
Hoe laat je struisvogels dansen?Een onderzoek naar hoe (micro)management en samenwerking de totstandkoming van beleidsinnovaties bevorderen |
Auteurs | Vidar Stevens |
Dissertatie |
De ban van beheersingNaar een reflexieve bestuurskunst |
Auteurs | Robert van Putten |