

Raadsleden in lokale rekenkamers: de gevolgen voor de doorwerking van rekenkameronderzoek

Auteurs Mr. Paul Koster en Mr. dr. Albertjan Tollenaar

Mr. Paul Koster
Mr. B.P. Koster is jurist bij de gemeente Delfzijl en raadslid in de gemeente Bedum.

Mr. dr. Albertjan Tollenaar
Mr. dr. A. Tollenaar is universitair docent bestuursrecht en bestuurskunde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Plasterk, has resolved to obligate municipalities to set up an independent audit office. Other variants of the audit office function, in which counselors themselves are members of local audit offices or commissions, will be forbidden. The minister’s assumption is that an independent audit office will control the municipal government more effectively. The disappearance of counselors as member of audit offices (or commissions) may have implications for the impact of local audit reports. The supposed effect of the membership of counselors is that there will be better coordination between the local audit office (or commission) and the need for control of the municipality. In addition one might suppose that the presence of counselors in the audit office guarantees that the audit reports will receive enough attention in the municipal council. Both effects concern the impact of local audit investigation. In this article, the authors study the extent to which membership of counselors really contributes to the impact of local audit investigation on the basis of quantitative (a survey amongst secretaries of local audit offices) and qualitative (an explorative case study in a number of Dutch municipalities) research. The results show that the membership of counselors as such does not lead to a greater impact, but that a proper consultation is required between the audit office and the municipal council.

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