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Aflevering 2, 2014 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Hans Engels
Prof. mr. J.W.M. Engels is sinds 1 januari 2014 hoogleraar Recht Decentrale Overheden (Oppenheim-leerstoel) aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en redacteur van Bestuurswetenschappen.

Vincent van Stipdonk
Drs. V.P. van Stipdonk is zelfstandig Raadgever & Redacteur en redacteur van Bestuurswetenschappen.

    Nowadays municipalities in the Netherlands work together more intensively with other municipalities in the region. Also cooperation with companies, institutions and societal organizations is more often looked for at the regional level. In practice this brings along many problems and difficulties. For several reasons it appears not to be easy to combine the implementation strengths of municipalities and societal partners. This article presents a new approach (based on the theory of ‘new regionalism’) to regional implementation strength. This approach is not only about designing regional administrations, but is mainly about the factors that induce administrations as well as companies and institutions to commit themselves jointly for the region. To increase the regional implementation strength more is needed than the formation of a regional administrative structure in which municipalities do not cooperate in a non-committal manner. To induce municipalities and societal partners to commit themselves jointly to handling new tasks or new challenges it is also necessary to have a clear strategic vision on these issues that binds parties and makes them enthusiastic and that regional cooperation is rooted in a societal breeding ground. It also asks for an administrative structure that does justice to the contribution every municipality and societal partner makes to the realization of the strategy and for a democratic involvement of municipal councils and sector-based interest groups.

Marcel Boogers
Prof. dr. M.J.G.J.A. Boogers is hoogleraar Innovatie en Regionaal Bestuur bij de vakgroep Bestuurskunde van de faculteit Management en Bestuur aan de Universiteit Twente en senior adviseur Openbaar Bestuur bij BMC.

Uitvoeringskracht in sociale wijkteams: een beproefd concept in een nieuwe context

Auteurs Mirjan Oude Vrielink, Lydia Sterrenberg en Helga Koper

    In the Netherlands at January 1st 2015 municipalities will most likely receive administrative and financial responsibility for work, youth and societal support. Anticipating this change almost all large municipalities have introduced social neighbourhood teams, inspired by the successful model of the ‘Achter-de-Voordeur-aanpak’ (Dutch for ‘Behind the Front Door-approach’). In this article the authors reflect on this development, because of criticisms about the vagueness surrounding the social teams and with its further development in mind. In a historical analysis they look at this phenomenon in relation to its political and policy context. The central research question is the change in vision that has occurred since the first experiments with neighbourhood social teams and the implications for their design. The authors show how the focus in the policy discourse has gradually moved to arguments concerning the efficiency of the societal support, more self-responsibility and self-direction and more participation in the society and the labour process. This makes a different model for neighbourhood teams desirable, especially in terms of (1) the target group of the approach, (2) the depth of the support and (3) the role of the generalist and the room for manoeuvre or the powers this generalist receives. A lot of municipalities choose to discover gradually what works. Next to the time pressure this might explain the vagueness of the plans for the design and organization of neighbourhood teams.

Mirjan Oude Vrielink
Mevr. dr. M.J. Oude Vrielink is senior onderzoeker aan de Universiteit Twente.

Lydia Sterrenberg
Mevr. dr. ir. L. Sterrenberg was senior projectleider bij Platform 31, werkt nu als wetenschappelijk onderzoeker bij de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en als coördinator van het ‘Pioneers into Practice’ mentoring-programma, onderdeel van het Europese Climate-KIC-programmma.

Helga Koper
Mevr. H. Koper is programmamanager Sociaal Domein bij Platform 31.

De zoektocht naar goed bestuur

Een analyse van botsende waarden in de publieke sector

Auteurs Remco Smulders, Gjalt de Graaf en Leo Huberts

    In the public as well as the semi-public sector numerous codes of good governance have been written. Although theses codes clearly lay down which public values must be the foundation of our administration, our newspapers often show examples of bad governance. It is striking that these codes mostly just picture an ideal, but do not give insight in tough considerations. In this article the authors show that different public values mentioned in codes are all worth pursuing as such, but that they in practice collide with each other. The manner in which administrators, managers and executives cope with such dilemmas, determines public opinion on good governance. Two cases have been researched: a municipality and a hospital. Through a Q-research six value patterns are demonstrated to exist in these cases. In addition (through interviews) the authors have discovered which values exactly collide in the cases, and which strategies are used to cope with collisions of values.

Remco Smulders
R.G. Smulders MSc deed bij de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam onderzoek naar publieke waarden in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties en is nu als junior onderzoeker/adviseur verbonden aan Partners +Pröpper.

Gjalt de Graaf
Dr. G. de Graaf is universiteit hoofddocent Bestuurskunde aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam en redacteur van Bestuurswetenschappen.

Leo Huberts
Prof. dr. L.W.J.C. Huberts is hoogleraar Bestuurskunde aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.

Hoe word je wethouder? Een onderzoek naar de transparantie en het democratisch gehalte van de wethoudersvoordracht

Een onderzoek naar de transparantie en het democratisch gehalte van de wethoudersvoordracht

Auteurs Julien van Ostaaijen

    This article addresses the question how aldermen are selected and nominated and how this process is related to a number of democratic values like popular influence and transparency. The central question is how one becomes an alderman in the Netherlands. To answer this central question a document analysis has been carried out and 137 interviews with aldermen have been held in 77 municipalities that were selected on geographical dispersion and number of inhabitants. The research shows that the process until the appointment of aldermen is little transparent and democratic for the outside world. In the large majority of the cases aldermen are asked an nominated from within a political party. The road to becoming an alderman is not closed, in principle everyone can become an alderman, but it is also not transparent and accessible for everyone. For this the selection and nomination is too much tied up to and decided in political party networks. However, gradually changes occur in this closed party bastion, because now parties more often are forced to look for suitable candidates outside the party.

Julien van Ostaaijen
Dr. J.J.C. van Ostaaijen is werkzaam als onderzoeker en docent aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur (Tilburg University).

Een verruimd perspectief op rijkstoezicht?

Auteurs Gerrit Dijkstra en Kees Nagtegaal

Gerrit Dijkstra
Mr. dr. G.S.A. Dijkstra is universitair docent bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Leiden aan de Campus Den Haag.

Kees Nagtegaal
Drs. C. Nagtegaal MSc is werkzaam als docent/onderzoeker bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde van de Universiteit Leiden aan de Campus Den Haag.

Navigeren op waarden: nieuw gereedschap voor complexe opgaven

Auteurs Léon Klinkers, Frank Bosboom, Maarten Königs e.a.

Léon Klinkers
Drs. L. Klinkers MSc MBA is programmamanager bij het Ministerie van Binnenlandse zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.

Frank Bosboom
F. Bosboom MSc is adviseur en partner bij Holland Branding Group en werkt voor (allianties van) de overheid, maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijven.

Maarten Königs
Drs. M.H.J.S. Königs is adviseur en partner bij Holland Branding Group en werkt voor (allianties van) de overheid, maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijven.

Hans Robertus
H. Robertus is adviseur en partner bij Holland Branding Group en werkt voor (allianties van) de overheid, maatschappelijke organisaties en bedrijven.

Waarden in netwerken, ketens en allianties in de Achterhoek

Reactie uit bestuurlijke praktijk

Auteurs Gerharda Tamminga

Gerharda Tamminga
Mevr. ir. G.H. Tamminga is gemeentesecretaris van de gemeente Oude IJsselstreek en lid van het Dagelijks Bestuur van de Vereniging van Gemeentesecretarissen (VGS).