This article shows how the municipality of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) has coped with the popularity of home sharing platform Airbnb. In collaboration with Airbnb, the municipality of Amsterdam was the first to come up with regulations for home sharing. However, enforcement of these rules proved difficult without access to user data of the Airbnb platform. In addition, a scientific (statistical) assessment of the effects of homesharing is also difficult without open data. As a result, the legitimacy of the platform has weakened in the eyes of some stakeholders. The article ends with some general reflections how government can cope with sharing economy platform. In particular, it is argued that the right-to-challenge principle may prove hard to apply to sharing platforms. |

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Innovaties en overheden: een slecht huwelijk of een vruchtbaar rollenspel? |
Auteurs | Prof.dr. Albert Meijer, Geert Teisman en Dr. Haiko van der Voort |
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Doorbraakinnovaties en ‘omgekeerde’ technologiebeoordeling: het geval van deeleconomie |
Trefwoorden | sharing, regulation, Airbnb, technology assessment, right to challenge |
Auteurs | Koen Frenken |
Samenvatting |
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Duurzame innovatie in industriële clustersRollenspel tussen ondernemers en publieke assembleurs |
Trefwoorden | innovation, government, collaboration, industrial clusters |
Auteurs | Wouter Spekkink, Geert R. Teisman en Frank A.A. Boons |
Samenvatting |
We study the role division between public and private actors in their search for sustainable innovation of industrial clusters. This search unfolds as a two-phase process. In the first phase, private parties develop different projects for sustainable innovation independently from each other. Without coordination, a common ground for the projects emerges. Through their involvement in several of these projects, public actors are able to take up a central place between the projects and their associated actor coalitions. From this position, they are able to act on the common ground, and mobilize other actors for collaboration. The common ground is translated to a vision, and the private projects are assembled into a program, in which synergetic connections between the different projects are established. This starts the second phase of the process, in which a regional collaboration unfolds, coordinated by the public actors. Thus, the crucial role of private actors is to create the building blocks for sustainable innovation in the early stages of the process. The public actors are crucial in acting on these private initiatives, assembling the building blocks into programmatic effort towards sustainable innovation of industrial clusters. The main strength of public actors lies in their betweenness centrality. |
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Participant of databron?Burgers als extensie van stedelijk innovatievermogen |
Trefwoorden | data-driven innovation, cities, public participation, user innovation |
Auteurs | Albert Meijer, Zsuzsanna Tomor, Ank Michels e.a. |
Samenvatting |
In the private sector, user innovation is used to develop innovations that better fit the needs of customers. In the public sector, interest for citizen innovation is also on the rise and new information and communication technologies seem to offer a great potential for accessing the power of citizens. At the same time these technologies offer another potential value: they can turn citizens into data sources. This data can offer governments crucial insights and may form the basis for datadriven innovation. Innovating with citizens in both different ways seems to offer great potential for broadly supported issues such as urban sustainability. This article develops a framework for studying these new developments and presents explorative research in three cities (Curitiba, Glasgow en Utrecht). The research shows that cities make different choices in their use of new technologies to innovate with or for citizens. |
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Waarden borgen, praktijken innoverenHoe pilots bijdragen aan een andere kijk op waterveiligheid |
Trefwoorden | Flood Risk Management, Pilot, Learning evaluation, Path dependency, Policy innovation |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Arwin van Buuren en Gerald Jan Ellen Msc. |
Samenvatting |
In The Netherlands an innovative water safety policy is under development: multi-layered safety. This innovation is a move from a preventive approach (levees) towards a risk approach. Mitigation of consequences for spatial measures and disaster management too are considered in reducing flood risks. The theory of path dependence teaches us that many technical, financial and institutional factors keep the current policy system in its equilibrium. This complicates policy innovations. This article contains a case study that explains how pilots contribute to a process of policy innovation. It concludes that enshrining results in the ‘home organizations’ and synchronizing pilots with running policy processes is essential. The pilots also show that policy renewal concerns a process of ‘muddling through intelligently’. |
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Overheden niet goed in innovatie?Empirische verkenningen van een ‘innovatiedilemma’ |
Trefwoorden | government, innovation, public values, dilemma |
Auteurs | Geert Teisman, Dr. Haiko van der Voort en Prof.dr. Albert Meijer |
Samenvatting |
This contribution contains a summary and a conclusion of the special issue ‘Innovation and government: a bad marriage or a fertile relation’. Innovation is said to be not the core quality of government. However, we found that government is actually good in innovation, albeit not in an obvious way. Government has a complex position when it comes to innovation. Sometimes innovation may be seen as a public value. However, innovation usually also involves conflict with other public values that civilians expect government to secure. This the innovation dilemma is that government ought to be both favour and innovation and fight its negative consequences to other public values. The four contributions show how governments deal with this dilemma. They first move along with the innovation and then redefine their positions by for instance developing new instruments, bundling private initiatives or framing private initiatives to large programmes. |
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Wie waakt over de lokale autonomie? |
Trefwoorden | local autonomy, local politics, equality, the Netherlands, government |
Auteurs | Julien van Ostaaijen |
Samenvatting |
According to various authors, Dutch local autonomy is under pressure. Because of the many tasks transferred to municipalities, local authorities hardly have time for their own tasks and initiatives. Local autonomy requires that local administrators have sufficient time, attention, and money. In this article, the concept of local autonomy is discussed, as well as why local autonomy is under pressure and who is responsible for (a sufficient amount of) local autonomy. In general, local autonomy is the responsibility of both national as well as local politicians and administrators, but on both levels, there is still much room for improvement. |
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Van project naar opgaveSamenwerking als motor van de planning van infrastructuur en ruimte |
Trefwoorden | planning, cooperation, challenge-oriented approach, infrastructure and spatial development |
Auteurs | Wim Leendertse, Jos Arts, Tim Busscher e.a. |
Samenvatting |
Infrastructure and adjacent areas represent extensive social value. However, infrastructure and areas are still often developed sectoral and independent. In the Netherlands, national spatial policies strive for combining infrastructure and area as one integrated approach as this is expected to result in more spatial quality. Taking this perspective, this article discusses trendy concepts in current Dutch planning, such as: adaptive planning, public and private cooperation and challenge-oriented approaches (‘opgave-gericht werken’ which focuses less on realising a project but more on the current and future issues and challenges in an area). This article argues that these concepts are closely related. Adaptive planning defines the rules of the game and the playing field, within which cooperation may develop. Cooperation is a means for creating spatial quality in interaction within this playing field. After all, generated quality can be considered as a contribution to the specific objectives and interest of the various partners. A challenge-oriented approach is the process for generating spatial quality from synergies in combined infrastructure and spatial development. This article aims to explore the relationships between adaptive planning, public and private cooperation and challenge-oriented approaches and to provide starting points for further research and discussion. |
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Doorgeven, negeren of vervormen?Media als kritische transparanteurs van beleid |
Trefwoorden | transparency, media, policy |
Auteurs | Thomas Schillemans en Anne Klijn MSc. |
Samenvatting |
Transparency is a token of modern governance and is said to serve many different goals. Earlier research has shown that the disclosure of information will only be seen by the public and serve its goals if ‘transparators’, such as news media, pay attention to the information. The news media cannot be expected to be uncritical implementers of transparency policies; they will only do so when the policy and ensuing story fit their criteria for newsworthiness. This paper analyzes when and how news media pay attention to different types of policies serving different types of goals. It does so on the basis of quantitative and qualitative content analysis of 8 important cases of transparency-policies in the Netherlands in the past decade. The analysis shows that, even for these high profile cases, the amount of media attention for disclosed information is limited. The analysis also suggests that the media primarily tend to treat items in neutral or critical frames. Particularly in cases where the disclosed information is about the government itself, media stories seem to be primarily negative. These results suggest, in line with prior research, that transparency-policies may easily fail to be effective. |
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De wil van WilsonOnder bestuurskundigen: een reflectie op de zelfreflectie en een pleidooi voor bestuurskunde als politieke wetenschap |
Trefwoorden | public administration, politics, self-image, myth, critical |
Auteurs | Mark van Ostaijen MSc MA |
Samenvatting |
What do Public Administration scholars tell Public Administration students in the Netherlands about the study of Public Administration as science, public administration as empirical domain and how it works? By means of interpretative and historicizing research I studied student handbooks and historical reviews on the origination myth and self-image of Public Administration. |
Boekbespreking |
De omwenteling die niet kwamVerkenning van het bestuursbeleid van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken 1969-2009 |
Boekbespreking |
Frontline command: Reflections on practice and research |