

Is er een trade-off tussen wetenschappelijke impact en praktijkrelevantie?

Een analyse van de publicaties van bestuurs- en politieke wetenschappers in Nederland (2006-2011)

Trefwoorden publications, public administration theory, public administration practice, internationalisation, relevance
Auteurs Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld, Robin Bouwman MSc en Prof. dr. Steven Van de Walle

Prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld
Prof. dr. S.M. Groeneveld is hoogleraar public management aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Robin Bouwman MSc
R.B. Bouwman, MSc is promovendus bestuurskunde aan de RU Nijmegen.

Prof. dr. Steven Van de Walle
Prof. dr. S. Van de Walle is hoogleraar vergelijkende bestuurskunde aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article examines whether there is a trade-off between publishing articles in international peer reviewed journals vis-à-vis national and professional work among scholars in the administrative and political sciences. A cluster analysis on their publications results in three publishing profiles: a professional profile, an international profile and a traditional profile. The professional profile author publishes a relatively high number of professional publications. The international profile author publishes a relatively high number of international peer-reviewed papers. The traditional author profile is characterized by a lower number of publications and a more balanced distribution of publications in both international and national categories. The profiles showcase that indeed there is a trade-off between publishing international scientific articles and publishing for practitioners, but only to some extent. Furthermore, the profiles are associated with the university where authors are employed and whether they got their Ph.D. at a Dutch university or abroad.

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