Beleid en Maatschappij


Een voorstel voor een basisinkomen voor ouderen

Trefwoorden Basic income, Labour-market position of older workers, Retirement age, Labour supply, Government budget
Auteurs Prof. Dr. Harrie Verbon

Prof. Dr. Harrie Verbon
Prof. Dr. Harrie Verbon is Emeritus hoogleraar openbare financiën aan de Universiteit van Tilburg en lid van de Rekenkamer Tilburg en Rekenkamercommissie Goirle, Dongen en Loon op Zand.
  • Samenvatting

      This paper lays out a proposal for a basic income system for the elderly. The proposed basic income allows elderly people to retire from the work place, or to keep on working (full time or part time). In the latter case employers are allowed to take part of the basic income into account in calculating the wages for their older workers. This characteristic makes employing older workers financially more attractive to employers. On the other hand, the basic income enables workers in physically and/or mentally challenging jobs, which are mostly low-paid jobs, to quit their job early. The effects on the government budget are calculated, based on different assumptions on the labour-participation effects of such a basic-income system. If the starting age of the basic income is 60 years and if the system incites older workers to increase their labour participation, introducing a basic income can have minor effects on the government budget. On the other hand, if the basic income has the same the labour-supply effects as the previous, but far more generous early-retirement schemes, the budgetary effects can be strongly negative. With a starting age of 65, however, positive budgetary effects can be obtained relatively easy.

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