DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001988030004427

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De werkgevers in het politiek beslissingsproces voor economische aangelegenheden

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Robert Vandeputte, "De werkgevers in het politiek beslissingsproces voor economische aangelegenheden", Res Publica, 4, (1988):427-438

    The employers, although small in size, dispose of an important influence in economic decision-making. Before the second world war, economic problems were exclusively dealt with by the government and the employers. After world war II, trade unions came more into relief. They were involved in consultations as athird partner. Consequently the impact of the employers faded somewhat. Currently the employers dispose of various channels to influence economic decision-making; e.g. contacts with civil servants, consultations in study centres of political parties, international relations, etc. Nevertheless the efficacy of employers's power is hindered by internal quarrel, strong individualism, and by the position of trade unions.

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