DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001988030004399

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La politique belge vis-à-vis du Zaïre dans les années 1970

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Henri Simonet, "La politique belge vis-à-vis du Zaïre dans les années 1970", Res Publica, 4, (1988):399-413

    During the seventies, the Belgian-Zairese relations are characterized by a series of crises and reconciliations. Many facts had an important effect on those relations: the « Zairianisation » of foreign, especially Belgian, companies; President Mobutu's request for economic aid; the Shaba-invasion of 1977; the presence of Zaïrese opponents in Belgium and the hostility against Kinshasa and especially against President Mobutu from the part of particular Belgian circles. All these facts make it very difficult to Belgium to draw a coherent policy in this case.

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