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Aflevering 3, 2016 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

Dr. Milo Schoenmaker
Dr. M. Schoenmaker is burgemeester van Gouda en lid van de redactie van Bestuurswetenschappen.

Inleiding themanummer ‘Energietransitie en lokaal bestuur’

Auteurs Thomas Hoppe, Ellen van Bueren en Maurits Sanders

    This special issue contains five articles based on empirical research into energy transition at the local level. The focus is on the role of local authorities in the energy transition and on partnerships between local authorities (municipalities, provinces, regions) and local communities in the area of sustainable development. The three guest editors have also written an introduction and conclusion for this special issue.

Thomas Hoppe
Dr. T. Hoppe is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan de Multi-Actor Systems-vakgroep (MAS-POLG) van de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Ellen van Bueren
Prof. dr. E.M. van Bueren is als hoogleraar Urban Development Management verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Maurits Sanders
Dr. M.P.T. Sanders is associate lector governance bij Saxion Hogescholen, kerndocent Publiek-Private Samenwerking bij de Nyenrode Business Universiteit en partner bij ResetManagement.

De slag om duurzaamheid in de polycentrische regio’s Randstad en Rijn-Roergebied

Auteurs Simon Goess MSc, Prof. dr. Ellen van Bueren en Prof. dr. Martin de Jong

    In polycentric urban regions one can find different, mutually related cities without a clear centre. In these regions cities cooperate to attract inhabitants and employment, but at the same time they are each other’s competitors. The Randstad (Netherlands) and the Rhine-Ruhr area (Germany) both can be seen as polycentric regions. The authors explore to what extent these regions possess a common identity and common agenda and to what extent this promotes the sustainability and energy transition of these regions. In both regions identity appears to have grown especially at subregional level, by historically developed spatial-economic profiles of the different cities or suburban regions. In addition the cities in these regions more and more wish to distinguish themselves in the area of sustainability. Every city wants to be the smartest, greenest and healthiest, and to be at the forefront in energy transition and climate mitigation. In the Dutch Randstad this competitive drive especially seems to contribute to the realization of sustainability projects at the local level. And that is exactly why regional cooperation is important: to allocate resources as well as possible and to avoid transfer to others. This can be improved by the development of subregional or regional sustainability visions.

Simon Goess MSc
S. Goess MSc is werkzaam aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Hij deed in Delft een master op het gebied van Sustainable Energy Technology.

Prof. dr. Ellen van Bueren
Prof. dr. E.M. van Bueren is als hoogleraar Urban Development Management verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Prof. dr. Martin de Jong
Prof. dr. W.M. de Jong is werkzaam als Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Research Professor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft en eveneens verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

    Energy planning and the realization of a new energetic infrastructure has become an issue for many actors. The local setting has become polycentric. Against this background the authors have tried to answer the question of the possible consequences of a polycentric local decision-making arena for the realization of sustainable energy transition, especially the implementation of smart grids. Polycentrism is characterised by configurations of units that are multi-level, multi-purpose, multi-sectoral and multi-functional. The impact of these configurations can be assessed using four criteria: control, efficiency, political representation and local self-determination. The authors used these criteria to analyse two cases. Both cases show that the consequences of polycentrism are variable and differ on the four criteria. The analysis shows tensions in polycentric configurations between control and efficiency on the one hand and local self-determination and political representation on the other. This outcome was a reason for the authors to argue for a better institutional design for the local polycentric arena with the help of the seven ‘rules-in-use’ of Elinor Ostrom. Her design is universal but requires specific local application. In this way more justice can be done to the local circumstances in order to be able to achieve effective results.

Imke Lammers MSc
I. Lammers MSc is als promovenda verbonden aan het Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM) van de Universiteit Twente.

Dr. Maarten Arentsen
Dr. M.J. Arentsen is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan het Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM) van de Universiteit Twente.

    Do energy cooperatives work together with municipalities in the area of energy and, if this is so, how can this cooperative relationship be interpreted from a public administration perspective? That is the central question of this article. The experiences with cooperation of four frontrunners amongst the energy cooperatives show that in many areas a fruitful cooperative relationship has been developed. In other areas cooperation is lacking because the municipality stands aloof as soon as the energy cooperative provides services to citizens and/or companies or because the purchase of green energy by the municipality from their own energy cooperative cannot simply be carried out. In the development of renewable energy projects it also suits municipalities to be reluctant because they not only promote local renewable energy but are also responsible for the spatial quality. From the perspective of public administration it is striking that the variety of municipal roles increases the complexity of cooperative relationship with energy cooperatives. For energy cooperatives it is difficult to understand that the municipality sometimes behaves like an ally, but can also be reluctant. The variety of the bond between both parties is first of all apparent from the need of an own identity and autonomy in the energy cooperatives. Secondly, two of the four energy cooperatives that were analysed needed support in a financial emergency.

Dr. Hans Hufen
Dr. J.A.M. Hufen is senior onderzoeker en adviseur bij Questions, Answers and More (QA+).

Sturing van warmtenetten: naar een typologie van governance-structuren van warmte-infrastructuren

Auteurs Dr. Maurits Sanders, Mr. Anne Veerle Brunnekreef en Prof. mr. dr. Michiel Heldeweg

    A promising option in energy transition is a more efficient use of heat by linking local heating projects to a regional infrastructure. Although this is technologically feasible and the local officials are often benevolent, such projects only scantily get off the ground. The main challenge appears to be the aspect of the appropriate type of governance for the design and use of regional heat networks. The authors of this article developed a governance-typology for heat networks. The aim of the typology is to help unravel the complexity in the planning of heat infrastructures, taking due account of some legal principles. This typology also enables to categorize heating projects. In this way it is possible to provide some insight in the influence of the stakeholders’ preferences on the governance of heat infrastructures. Barriers and opportunities can be reduced that may hinder or promote the use of waste heat. Local officials may use the information for preventing or breaking through deadlocks in the planning of heat infrastructures.

Dr. Maurits Sanders
Dr. M.P.T. Sanders is associate lector governance bij Saxion Hogescholen, kerndocent Publiek-Private Samenwerking bij de Nyenrode Business Universiteit en partner bij ResetManagement.

Mr. Anne Veerle Brunnekreef
Mr. A.V. Brunnekreef is docent rechten bij Saxion Hogescholen, aan de Academie Bestuur, Recht & Ruimte.

Prof. mr. dr. Michiel Heldeweg
Prof. mr. dr. M.A. Heldeweg is hoogleraar Law, Governance & Technology aan de Universiteit Twente.

    Local authorities know for some time from experience with partnerships with local communities in the area of sustainable development that the urgency of climate change increases and that citizens develop into an equal partner. The convergence of these two motivations asks for an innovative way of acting, in which the performance of local authorities is a crucial factor for the ultimate success of local sustainable energy projects in which citizens are actively involved or will be involved. This article exposes the ways in which local authorities innovate with policy for the support of active citizenship in the production of locally generated sustainable energy. The article also explores the barriers that arise. The authors analyse two cases on different levels of government; ‘The Energy-workplace’ (in the Dutch province Fryslân) and ‘The Armhoede sustainable energy landscape’ (in the Dutch municipality Lochem). The cases show that policy innovations crystallize as well at ‘arm’s length’ distance as in the direct sphere of influence of the (local) authority. However, innovation takes place by the grace of the space in the existing institutional framework and the political (and administrative) system. Formal guidelines (like policy or regulation), persons, and informal practices of the traditional policy implementation may hinder a productive interaction between (active) citizens and government.

Beau Warbroek MSc
W.D.B. Warbroek MSc is promovendus aan het Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM) van de Universiteit Twente en de stichting University Campus Fryslân (UCF).

Dr. Thomas Hoppe
Dr. T. Hoppe is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan de Multi-Actor Systems-vakgroep (MAS-POLG) van de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Besluit themanummer ‘Energietransitie en lokaal bestuur’

Auteurs Dr. Thomas Hoppe, Prof. dr. Ellen van Bueren en Dr. Maurits Sanders

Dr. Thomas Hoppe
Dr. T. Hoppe is als universitair hoofddocent verbonden aan de Multi-Actor Systems-vakgroep (MAS-POLG) van de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Prof. dr. Ellen van Bueren
Prof. dr. E.M. van Bueren is als hoogleraar Urban Development Management verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft.

Dr. Maurits Sanders
Dr. M.P.T. Sanders is associate lector governance bij Saxion Hogescholen en kerndocent Publiek-Private Samenwerking bij de Nyenrode Business Universiteit.

Waarderend communiceren: durven verschillen als professionele competentie

Auteurs Dr. Els van der Pool en Dr. Guido Rijnja

Dr. Els van der Pool
Dr. E. van der Pool is lector Human Communication Development bij de Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen.

Dr. Guido Rijnja
Dr. G. Rijnja is coördinator algemeen communicatiebeleid bij de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst.

Het goede gesprek

Reactie uit de bestuurlijke praktijk

Auteurs Jeroen Haan

Jeroen Haan
J. Haan MCM CMC is dagelijks bestuurder bij het hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland en kwartiermaker/programmamanager bij de gemeente Haarlemmermeer.

Internationale tijdschriften en boeken

Auteurs Dr. Rik Reussing

Dr. Rik Reussing
Dr. G.H. Reussing is onderwijscoördinator van de opleiding European Public Administration aan de Universiteit Twente en redactiesecretaris van Bestuurswetenschappen.