

Sturing van warmtenetten: naar een typologie van governance-structuren van warmte-infrastructuren

Auteurs Dr. Maurits Sanders, Mr. Anne Veerle Brunnekreef en Prof. mr. dr. Michiel Heldeweg

Dr. Maurits Sanders
Dr. M.P.T. Sanders is associate lector governance bij Saxion Hogescholen, kerndocent Publiek-Private Samenwerking bij de Nyenrode Business Universiteit en partner bij ResetManagement.

Mr. Anne Veerle Brunnekreef
Mr. A.V. Brunnekreef is docent rechten bij Saxion Hogescholen, aan de Academie Bestuur, Recht & Ruimte.

Prof. mr. dr. Michiel Heldeweg
Prof. mr. dr. M.A. Heldeweg is hoogleraar Law, Governance & Technology aan de Universiteit Twente.
  • Samenvatting

      A promising option in energy transition is a more efficient use of heat by linking local heating projects to a regional infrastructure. Although this is technologically feasible and the local officials are often benevolent, such projects only scantily get off the ground. The main challenge appears to be the aspect of the appropriate type of governance for the design and use of regional heat networks. The authors of this article developed a governance-typology for heat networks. The aim of the typology is to help unravel the complexity in the planning of heat infrastructures, taking due account of some legal principles. This typology also enables to categorize heating projects. In this way it is possible to provide some insight in the influence of the stakeholders’ preferences on the governance of heat infrastructures. Barriers and opportunities can be reduced that may hinder or promote the use of waste heat. Local officials may use the information for preventing or breaking through deadlocks in the planning of heat infrastructures.

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