

De stikstofcrisis: van falend overheidsbeleid naar een lonkend toekomstperspectief?

Trefwoorden agricultural policy, nitrogen crisis, Programma Aanpak Stikstof, Natura2000, circular agriculture
Auteurs Dr. Jeroen Candel MA

Dr. Jeroen Candel MA
Dr. J.J.L. Candel MA is universitair docent Bestuurskunde aan de Universiteit Wageningen.
  • Samenvatting

      On 29 May, the highest court in the Netherlands, the Council of State, ruled that the government’s Nitrogen Emissions Program (PAS) did not comply with the European Habitats Directive. The PAS arranged permit applications for economic activities that caused extra nitrogen oxide emissions. According to the Council of State, the PAS proved to be insufficiently capable of protecting the ‘natural characteristics’ of Natura2000-protected areas against damage caused by nitrogen depositions. The ruling has led to a situation in which all pending license applications in construction and agriculture have been rejected or put on hold. This political ‘nitrogen crisis’ that resulted from this ruling has been characterized by major disagreements between the government coalition parties, large farmers’ protests, and a faltering coordination between the central government and provinces. This essay analyzes the root causes of the nitrogen crisis and presents some ideas about how to overcome the current deadlock. I argue that the PAS debacle symbolizes a failing, reactive agricultural and nature policy. More than ever, strong leadership and a clear future perspective for the Dutch food system are needed.

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