Based on the experience of citizens initiatives in Antwerpen (Belgium), Dortmund (Germany) and Rotterdam (the Netherlands), this article explores the roles of citizens in these projects. The initiatives were not started by already active citizens, but by inactive citizens who were triggered to take action by an event in their direct surroundings. The cases studied show that many small, simple and everyday strategies, which are often overlooked by researchers, are meaningful for successful citizenship. The will to participate is not so much ideologically or democratically driven, but driven by a perceived practical need for action. Governments should aim to support and facilitate these initiatives without aiming to canalize these activities according to their own political or democratic rationality.
Bestuurskunde |
Artikel | Zelforganisatie vanuit het perspectief van burgersInzichten uit onderzoek naar de pragmatiek van burgerparticipatie in drie Europese steden |
Trefwoorden | citizen participation, self-organisation, strategies |
Auteurs | Maurice Specht |
Auteursinformatie |
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