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Robots en arbeid: technologisch determinisme revisited?

Trefwoorden Robots, technological determinism, organizational choice, new technology, technological unemployment
Auteurs Dr. Fabian Dekker

Dr. Fabian Dekker
Dr. Fabian Dekker is als postdoctoraal onderzoeker verbonden aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Hij doet onderzoek naar flexibilisering van werk, jeugdwerkloosheid en nieuwe technologie. Website:
  • Samenvatting

      In today’s debate on the impact of new technology on employment, many fear that robots will substitute human labour. Due to increased exposure to market pressure and the decline in union power, the adoption of new technology at the workplace is perceived as an inevitable course in order to remain competitive. This rejects the basic principles behind organizational choice theory: the idea that technology is shaped by social agency. Analysis of qualitative data from 23 in-depth interviews in two sectors of the Dutch economy shows that the use of robotics at the workplace is far more limited than anticipated.

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