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Discontinuïteit van discours als de motor van veranderingen

Trefwoorden Culture change, Values, Discourse, Narrative of change, Flexibility
Auteurs Samir Achbab MSc

Samir Achbab MSc
Samir Achbab MSc werkt als onderzoeksleider bij het lectoraat Management van Cultuurverandering aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA). Daarnaast is hij bij de HvA ook docent bij de opleiding Bestuurskunde/Urban Management.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article, based on a case study regarding the merger of boroughs within the municipality of Amsterdam, different perspectives are brought together to provide an overall analysis leading to insight into the change in the organizational culture. A particular research methodology is used to shed light on three elements of organizational culture: mindset (values), arena (group) and behavior. Through periodical measurements the effects of interventions and the progress in culture change is followed. It is argued that measurement instruments to explore the shifts in thinking and action are useful but limited. Policy makers and organizational actors from all hierarchical levels are shown to be influenced and disciplined by the actual existing change discourse to various degrees. Every organization nowadays must prove to the market that it is capable of change. Stories about organizational flexibility are embedded in more macro-stories of the changes in economic life. This article provides insight into the complexity of organizational discourse and the philosophical and sociological richness that it embodies. Therefore anthropological concepts are used which make the case more understandable in terms of rules and procedures that construct and legitimate the way we see things and talk about them.

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