Dr. Dieneke de Ruiter
Dr. Dieneke de Ruiter is senior adviseur bij de Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (RMO). E-mail: d.de.ruiter@adviesorgaan-rmo.nl.

Jasper Zuure MSc
Jasper Zuure MSc is adviseur bij de Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling (RMO). E-mail: j.zuure@adviesorgaan-rmo.nl, www.adviesorgaan-rmo.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      Since Pim Fortuyn, discontent has become a central issue in public and political debates in the Netherlands. The government tries to ban out all risks and polarisation between citizens, because it fears this will have a destabilising impact on society. However, these measures do not seem to decrease discontent. In this article, we analyse why discontent so persistently keeps dominating debates. We argue that it is prominently and continuously expressed due to the position of opinion polls and the interaction between politicians, journalists and citizens and due to the platform that social media offer. But meanwhile, means to convert discontent into constructive, collective action are diminishing. As a result we continuously gather superficial information about people’s discontent. In order not to hinder constructive debates with this kind of information, as happens in current political discussions, different and more detailed information about the public opinion is needed. Politicians and researchers should make a more clear distinction between discontent itself and the incapacity of citizens to deal with it. Moreover, a revitalisation of the role of civil organisations is important to channel discontent.

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