Beleid en Maatschappij


Veranderend lokaal gezag

De gezagsbronnen van burgemeesters en wethouders verkend

Trefwoorden authority, political leadership, mayors, aldermen
Auteurs Dr. Niels Karsten MSc MA en Drs. Thijs Jansen

Dr. Niels Karsten MSc MA
Niels Karsten is universitair docent aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur van Tilburg University, e-mail:

Drs. Thijs Jansen
Thijs Janssen is onderzoeker aan de Tilburgse School voor Politiek en Bestuur van Tilburg University, e-mail:
  • Samenvatting

      The traditional authority of mayors and aldermen is readily challenged. Formal positions do no longer constitute authority. For that reason, new political repertoires are being sought after and are being developed by local political-executive leaders. This article analyses and compares the sources of authority for mayors and aldermen: how can they develop, maintain, and strengthen their authority? It develops an innovative typology of sources of authority. A distinction is made between institutional, positional, and personal sources of authority. The model is applied to the mayors and aldermen in relation to relevant socio-political developments that affect the two offices. It is found that the authority of mayors rests on institutional sources of authority more so than that of aldermen. For the latter, positional and personal sources of authority are more important. At the same time, personal sources of authority have become very important for mayors as well as aldermen. The results call upon mayors and aldermen’s skills and competences to develop personal authority through persuasion.

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