Beleid en Maatschappij


Waarom het maar niet wil lukken…

Rijksbeleid en uitvoeringspraktijk voor cultuur en immigranten 1980-2004

Trefwoorden immigrants, policy, conceptual-world, failing implementation
Auteurs Dr. Eltje Bos

Dr. Eltje Bos
Dr. Eltje Bos is opleidingsmanager Culturele en Maatschappelijke Vorming en programmaleider onderzoek Culturele en Sociale Dynamiek aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam,
  • Samenvatting

      In the aftermath of the last millennium a vice minister intended to realise what his predecessors of almost 25 years planned but never accomplished. The cultural expressions of immigrants were supposed to become integrated in the general cultural policy and the subsidized cultural organisations. The article explores why the policies never were formulated and implemented as the various (vice-)ministers explicitly intended.The main reason seems to be the dominance of the romantic universal interpretation of the notion ‘artistic quality’. The mentioned vice minister explicitly challenged this dominance, but didn’t succeed.Subsidies in the cultural sector were and are mainly allocated because of the artistic quality of cultural expressions. The majority of the key actors in this sector such as advisors, cultural institutions, politicians tend to have a romantic universal perspective on quality. These actors seemed to be unwilling or unable to broaden up their conception of quality. Due to this special implementation arrangements were created for the cultural expressions of immigrants. This implied the integration never was accomplished, and over time both cultural institutions and immigrant initiatives seemed relatively content with these arrangements.

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