Beleid en Maatschappij


Het belang van publieke familiariteit in de openbare ruimte

Auteurs Talja Blokland

Talja Blokland
Talja Blokland is hoogleraar stad- en regionale sociologie aan de Humboldt Universität in Berlijn, en tevens verbonden aan het Onderzoeksinstituut OTB van de TU Delft. Correspondentiegegevens: Prof. dr. T. Blokland Humboldt Universität Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
  • Samenvatting

      To live in a safe neighbourhood is to live in a neighbourhood where one knows what to expect and can navigate the public space. This article argues that issues of public safety in urban disadvantaged neighbourhoods are often understood as depending on crime and social control; but it may well be that whether or not people feel safe depends just as much on the degree of public familiarity of the context in which they live – and consequently on their abilities to know who to trust and distrust – as it depends on the usual suspects of crime rates, social cohesion, broken windows and collective efficacy. Using empirical data from four neighbourhoods in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the article shows that data may substantiate this claim, formulates some policy recommendations and proposes an agenda for further research.

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