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Lijsttrekkersverkiezingen in Nederlandse politieke partijen

Auteurs Ruud Koole

Ruud Koole
Prof. dr. R.A. Koole is hoogleraar Nederlandse Politiek. Hij promoveerde op het proefschrift De opkomst van de moderne kaderpartij: veranderende partijorganisatie in Nederland 1960-1990 (Utrecht 1992, Spectrum). Hij publiceerde onder meer over Nederlandse politiek, partijorganisaties, parlementaire fracties, politieke financiƫn (bijv.: Ruud Koole and Knut Heidar, Parliamentary Party Groups in European Democracies: political parties behind closed doors. London, Routledge, 2000; Ruud Koole en Hans Daalder, 'The Consociational Democracy Model and the Netherlands: Ambivalent Allies?', in: Acta Politica, vol 37, Spring/Summer, 2002, pp. 23-43). Correspondentiegegevens: Departement Politieke Wetenschap, Universiteit Leiden, Postbus 9555, 2300 RB Leiden, 071 527 3936,
  • Samenvatting

      The recent introduction of leadership primaries within the Dutch political parties PvdA, VVD and D66 has attracted much attention, but the opinions about this form of party-reform are divided. This article discusses the reasons for the recent popularity of internal primaries for the selection of the heads of the list of candidates for the national elections and describes the procedures used by the various parties. The article concludes that leader-ship primaries are not always beneficial for parties and democracy. Only if the procedures for primaries are carefully designed and the candidates behave prudently and in an integer way, leadership primaries can have a positive effect on internal party democracy and on the political system as a whole.

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