DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001985027001003

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Opinion publique et politique extérieure en Belgique de 1945 à 1962

Orientation des études et perspectives de la recherche en Belgique

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Michel Dumoulin, "Opinion publique et politique extérieure en Belgique de 1945 à 1962", Res Publica, 1, (1985):3-29

    There are very few publications concerning the history of the foreign policy of Belgium. Those concerning the relation between public opinion and international relations are even less frequent. Based on publications of the results of public opinion polls organized by the Universitary Institute for Economic and Social Information (INSOC), and a limitedchoice of other written sources, it is possible to prove that the call on the public opinion concerning the history of international relations, and even more for the decision making, must be treated very carefully. In fact, there doesn't exist just one but several public opinions. The reactions in Belgium on the resolution of the United Nation concerningthe division of Palestine may be a clear example of the latter.

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