DOI: 10.5553/RP/048647001984026002243

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Omroep en objectiviteit

De politieke agenda-setting functie van de externe kritiek op de omroep (radio) berichtgeving (periode 1970-1977)

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Jean-Claude Burgelman, "Omroep en objectiviteit", Res Publica, 2, (1984):243-277

    Analysing the debate in the press concerning the most crucial and sensible point of Public Service Broadcasting in Belgium, i.e. an objective and nationwide representative news service, shows clearly that this critizing of the news has primarily a political function because its aim is not to demonstrate how subjectivc or so the news is supposed to be. Accepting and demonstrating the point that a public service organization of broadcasting is no worse for objective newsreporting than a commercial or a Dutch one; it follows from this that these critics must 'hide' other interests (namely pressure to political conformity and financial motives). Strong correlations are found between this press debate and the political debate on the nature of this system and the wish to change it. Thus the press, being part of the party system in Belgium, reveals itself as (literally) an agenda-setter of political action. These results do not suggest that the press bas an ultimate influence in political matters but it certainly demonstrates that the press indicates how the debate will develop. Showing up the agenda-setting concept in the dynamics of politics could be a more fruitfull way to define the political functions of the mass media.

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