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Aflevering 3, 1978 Alle samenvattingen uitklappen

    How, according to the folk-tradition, do the Walloons see the Flemish population? An analysis of a stereotype is attempted here, considering the importance of stock-phrases and tags with regard to relations between populations. For an historian, the study of the folk-tradition sets a lot of problems concerning the research and the critical use of a complex documentation: oral tradition (popular phrases, songs, by-words, interviews), French and dialect al literature (navels, dramatic works, satirical writings), newspapers, etc. With such a documentation, we are able to describe some «patterns» of Flemings: the pedlar, the play-character, the militant Fleming, the farmer, the agricultural labourer and the worker. These portraits generally emphasize the dull-witted and rough appearance of the Fleming. The rise of these ideas, at a some time, among the Walloon population appears resulting from the social and cultural position of a great deal of the Flemish immigrants into the Walloon area.

Yves Quairiaux

Jean Pirotte

Access_open Secularisatie en verzuiling in de Belgische politiek

Auteurs Jaak Billiet, Roger Creyf en Karel Dobbelaere

    Sociological research in three Catholic «pillar» organizations (the Catholic school system, the Christian hospitals and the Catholic University) indicates that secularization is not followed by a «de-pillarization» or crumbling of the Catholic pillar. Our explanation suggests a process of secularization within the Catholic organizations, with as main components: the development of a social-cultural christianity - which may be considered a secular surrogate for church-religion -, and professionalization by which the christian organizations provide a milieu which ensures job security and social advancement for its loyal members. Thanks to its informal and formal ties with the Christian pillar organizations, the CVP acts on both components, by stressing a specific identity and by defining the interests of the pillar organizations. This explanation may indicate some major aspects of the ties between sociological Catholics and «their» political party - a bond which is certainly not being affected by the secularization processes, rather the contrary is occurring.

Jaak Billiet

Roger Creyf

Karel Dobbelaere

Access_open L'expédition des affaires courantes

Auteurs Antonio Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro

    Since the last war, one character of the political system in Belgium is the growth and the duration of the ministerial crisis. Some questions of public law appeared. How is it possible to maintain the continuity of the political and administrative action, without ministerial responsibility to Parliament, during the crisis? The Belgian Conseil d'Etat contributed, by the notion of the «affaires courantes», sort of general principle of public law, to give a solution to this problem.

Antonio Mascarenhas Gomes Monteiro

Access_open Van Stuyvenberg naar de Wetstraat 16

Een derde onderhandelingsronde over het Gemeenschapsakkoord

Auteurs Marc Platel

    The talks from mid-februari 1978 on the regionalization pact in Belgium were more than a mere format approval of the Stuyvenbergprotocol. This becomes very clear when one compares the unpublished draft-Stuyvenbergprotocol and the official agreement. History will learn that the third round of negotiation wilt not be the last one.

Marc Platel

Access_open Switzerland and the Jura

ethnic diversity and elite accommodation

Auteurs Harold E. Glass

Harold E. Glass

Access_open La crise constitutionnelie australienne

Auteurs Philippe Lauvaux

    The crisis which arose in Australia in October-November 1975 led to the dismissal of the Labour Prime Minister Gough Whitlam by the Governor-General Sir John Kerr, the formation of a caretaker Government by the opposition leader Malcolm Fraser and the simultaneous dissolution of the Houses of the Federal Parliament. The constitutional issues involved in that crisis are studied. The opinion is maintained that the rational coherence of the parliamentary system require an effective head of State with the responsibility of acting personally in unusual circumstances, rather than the strict law definitely lapsed and the issue even then ruled by the «constitutional conventions» of Cabinet government.

Philippe Lauvaux