

Verkennen en verleggen van infrastructuurgrenzen

Strategische ontwikkeling en besluitvorming van infrastructuurbeheerders

Trefwoorden infrastructure, infrastructure manager, strategy, sustainability transition
Auteurs Arnoud Toering en Mark de Bruijne

Arnoud Toering
Ir. A.R. Toering is promovendus, afdeling Multi-Actor Systems, Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management, TU Delft.

Mark de Bruijne
Dr. M.L.C. de Bruijne is universitair docent, afdeling Multi-Actor Systems, Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management, TU Delft.
  • Samenvatting

      The focus on sustainability has contributed to a new outlook on how to shape the fabric of our society: infrastructure. New strategic decision-making structures have developed to decide on the future of infrastructures, which include more as well as more varied actors, such as societal and governmental actors (i.e. local and regional governments). The new structures are redrawing the boundaries of infrastructure governance. In these processes, infrastructure managers arguably play a crucial, yet less well-understood role. Three examples of strategic infrastructure processes are discussed, which highlight how, from uniquely different starting points, infrastructure managers play a different role in the strategic decision-making processes. The precise form and focus of the new coordination and decision-making structures will take shape in the coming years. Insight in these developments and their influence on infrastructure planning enables us to assess how and to what extent the ‘openness’ of infrastructure managers in infrastructure planning influence strategy processes and contribute to more integral assessment and synergy.

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