Prof. dr Frits R. Rosendaal
Prof. dr F.R. Rosendaal is hoogleraar en afdelingshoofd Klinische Epidemiologie in het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Hij doet onderzoek naar oorzaken van hart- en vaatziekten. In 2003 ontving hij de Spinozaprijs, de hoogste wetenschappelijke prijs in Nederland. Hij is gekozen lid van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen en van de Duitse Akademie Leopoldina. In 2011 ontving hij een eredoctoraat van de Universiteit van Parijs Descartes.
  • Samenvatting

      The author discusses the practices, problems and pitfalls research in the biomedical field with regard to conflicts of interests. Medicines are not ordinary products: the exclusive right to prescribe lies with the doctor, and because of the potentially life-saving nature of medicines, their use, price and availability is surrounded by emotions, especially when there is only one medicine available for a serious illness. Nonetheless, these products are marketed by companies that have a primarily commercial interest and, on the basis of those interests, engage in pricing and advertising activities. In the research on medicines, there is close cooperation between the pharmaceutical industry and doctor-researchers, whereby independence is at stake due to the large financial interests and reimbursements. This pushes the design, outcome and publication of research in a direction that is favorable to the pharmaceutical industry, but that is not financially the best direction for society, or medically for patients.

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