

De opkomst van de nudge unit

Organisatorische inbedding van gedragswetenschappen in beleid – ontwikkelingen en dilemma’s in de praktijk

Trefwoorden nudging, nudge units, government departments, organization
Auteurs Drs. Jorren Scherpenisse

Drs. Jorren Scherpenisse
  • Samenvatting

      The world of public administration is changing: in many countries around the globe specialized behavioral insights units are on the rise in governments. Behavioral insights teams (or nudge units) are often modelled on the famous BIT UK, although there are important national variations. These units specialize in the application of behavioral insights to the design and evaluation of public policies. This article reports on an interview with the the leader of the Behavioral Insights Team of the Ministry of Economical Affairs in the Netherlands. Four main items are discussed: (1) What projects should behavioral insights units undertake? (2) What mix of professional expertise is necessary? (3) What processes should be instituted? And (4) How should these units be positioned within existing government departments?

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