

Waarom ‘Anders omgaan met water’ niet leeft bij burgers

Trefwoorden frames, discourses, myth, flood safety policy, public engagement
Auteurs Trudes Heems en Baukje Kothuis

Trudes Heems
Dr G.C. Heems is verbonden aan de Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management van de TU Delft en aan WATERWORKS Social Science Research in Amsterdam.

Baukje Kothuis
Dr B.L.M. Kothuis is verbonden aan de Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management van de TU Delft en aan WATERWORKS Social Science Research in Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Problems with the rivers were the incentive to change Dutch flood safety policy in 2000. ‘A different approach to water’ became the new policy slogan. Government presumes that public engagement in decision-making on flood safety will lead to more water awareness and risk aware behaviour. ‘No or hardly any negative side-effects’ are expected from this strategy. However, our research shows that public engagement in flood safety decision-making leads to fierce policy contestation, since proposed solutions do not meet the safety perception of local citizens. ‘A different approach to water’ strategy does not resonate in Dutch society because most people are convinced that government guarantees water safety. In this article we explain that this so-called ‘myth of water safety’ is based on a deep frame of risk control. We argue that flood safety needs to be reframed and that a new frame should be based on acceptance of vulnerability instead of risk control.

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