

Ambtenaren en sociale media

Kansen, risico's en dilemma's

Trefwoorden social media, relationship politics-administration, primacy of politics
Auteurs Dennis de Kool

Dennis de Kool
Dr D. de Kool is als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Center for Public Innovation van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Not only companies and citizens, but also governmental agencies are exploring the possibilities of new technologies to communicate with citizens. This article analyzes the challenges, risks and dilemmas of social media for Dutch civil servants. The theoretical framework that is used consists of a classical and a modern approach to public administration. In the classical ‘Weberian’ model, politicians are responsible for policy-making (and communication about it) and civil servants have to implement policies (‘the primacy of politics’). This principal approach implies a limited role of civil servants in social media. However, the modern approach to civil servants highlights their expertise and distinctive responsibilities. The pragmatical approach leaves more space for active participation of civil servants on the internet. Nevertheless, a fundamental reflection about the primacy of politics, the role of governmental communication and culture in the social media landscape remains necessary.

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